Has anyone had really bad cramping right after surgery???/ I am 10 days post op and have had severe cramping---doctor took me off dairy and its very hard to get liquid protein without dairy! But the stomch cramps I get when I eat/drink things is so bad I tend to not want to . I have been told I have one week to get back on track with the protein ---while avoiding milk/dairy products or they will have to start IV's again.
I just don't understand all of this painful cramping ---not nausea--Hoping someone outthere can help out with some information. Has anyone experienced this??? Thanks for your help!
I had really bad cramping & gas from milk. I have switched to soymilk, & am doing better. Have you tried Isopure? It has 40 grams of protien per bottle. You can find it a Meijers or any GNC.I also found that drinking something too cold or hot irratates my new tummy.
Also, I use Designers Whey,(a big box from Wal-Mart) which has 25 grams pro. per 8 oz. & you can mix it in water.(I use 3 ice cubes;1/2 frozen banana; & 13 c. of the mix with 8 oz. lite vanilla soymilk. It whips up & is like a "shake" Just drink it very slowly-sip-sip!!!
If your problem continues I'd get yourself back where you had surgery, & have it checked out!!That is what the ER. is for.Don't hesitate too long, if you can't get in your protien- it is vital!!!
I wish you all the best, feel better soon,
Thanks for making me feel better! I did just have my drain tube out and I do feel better since then. My doctor believes I am just having sensitivity to Milk so that is limiting my eating.
Thanks for the advice on the Isopure Ellen!! I am just glad to know that I am not alone in this!!
Many thanks!!