Wed Roll Call.. Pay Day!!
Ron takes all the vitamins I take.. he figures if they are good for me they will be good for him too.. He is so weak and his immune system is soo depleted on the morphene he has been on for the last 10 years for pain... it really does help him to up his vitamins..
I got GNC liquid for the first 3 months it had a cranberry base and was good. then i switched to pills. Dr cacucci told me THEY WILL COME OUT WHOLE... well I put them in one ounce of water for 5 minutes and they were dissolved!! Blah Dr C WRONG!! I'm keeping them!! But I am upping them to the required 3 a day.. for absorbsion purposes..
Linda, I have had many epidurals over the past 10 years, no silly not to have a baby....but for my spine. They only hurt for a few seconds when the needle goes in and then it is numbsvill. I would rather have them anyday then to be put to sleep. I am always afraid I will not wake up.
I went to the YMCA Monday and I think I over did it a bit. My back is killing me. I do not want to go back on the morphene since it makes me feel like I am in la la land....more so than normal. I may have to go back to Dr Levene there in Carmel and get another epidural and spinal block. The only problem with them is they only last a few months.
I know you are going to do just fine with your surgery. Like I said Sat. take good notes since I will next when I get down to 250. You will be in our prayers.
Awwwwww Thanks Linda... I believe we are all here on this wonderful earth to nurture Joy in each other. Life is just what we make it and I ant mine to be a happy world with lots of laughter. I love the close fellowship on these boards and am so thankful to have been so blessed to meet such wonderful people before my surgery. I feel that you all have helped me so much that I will be so ready for what ever comes down my path. As I am home recouperating Linda, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for your will be my tutor there too
I am hoping getting this weight off will take a load off my knees but I know I will have to replace my left one at one time and I know you will be my inspiration!
And you know what???? Linda you are just as cute as a button as everyone says!!!
I love your personality!
Keep Blooming!!

Linda, I have had epiderals and never had any problems. But as we have all learned from our wl journey, every person is different but since you will have so many prayers going up for you I am sure you will be fine.
I wanted to thank you again for the fun time at the exchange Saturday and I posted this on Myra's post, but would you be willing to share your chicken recipe with the cheese sauce that you made Saturday? I loved your dish and the bananas with peanut butter and cereal.
I will keep you in my prayers.
Hey Marianne, what a joy you are to know. I really enjoyed getting to know you Saturday. I can see why you have so much support from your friends and coworkers. What a lady!!!!
You and Courtney were so enthusiastic and supportive to talk to. I so enjoyed the exchange not only for the great clothes but also to meet so many 'losers'. Also the banana, peanut butter, cereal treat. Yum, yum!!!Now if I can just get Linda to give me the recipe for the chicken she brought, it will be even better.
With your positive upbeat attitude I am sure you will do great on your wl journey. I will keep you in my prayers. February 3 will be here before you know it so enjoy lots of last meals lovely lady.
I'm here!!!!!!
About the epiderul. when women have this while giving birth they usually give it during a contraction because it takes the pain away from the pain for the shot. I had one without contraction and not to get you scared it hurt. Its even worse when they tell you Don't Move as you sit there crying! yeah right. But I do have a suggestion. Ask them to give you something in your IV that you won't care what is going on around you. I had to have surgery( they had to piece out my placenta when I had my stillbirth) And was quit scared for them to give me an epiderul because had one 12 hours before that fell out. So I was very hesitant. The doctor said Well I could give you something through your IV that you won't even care what I am doing. He did and it was great I was to move in position they needed me in (sitting on side of bed hunched over a pillow) but sedated and didn't feel as much pain. Ask your doctor about it he may be able to give you something. I hope this didn't scare you to much. it also depends on how you take pain. I am sure it will be fine and I will just pray they can put it in after they knock you out.
Thanks! The Pre Admit nurse called me today and said the HEAD of anastesia PROMISED he woyld give me a pre op shot I wouldn CARE what he did to me.. I said good enough..
Like the St V Childrens Hosp commercial... I have the white to cry...
I just wish i could have my mommy with me too... but she has been gone since 94.. sigh...