Wed Roll Call.. Pay Day!!
Well today is pay day!! Hump day and another chance to pay these mountains of BILLS.. It is also the first whole day I have worked this week. I hope it makes the week go faster..
At the preop appointment for my knee surgery i stressed about getting the epiderul.. NEVER had one.. was put to sleep with both my boys and All other surgeries.. they will do the epidural and then put me in twilight sleep for my knee... SCARED!!!
They are checking to see if they can put it in AFTER they knock me out..

Good morning everyone!! daughter is highly scared of needles. She made it through the epiderul fine with her first one and will be having the combo epiderul/twilight sleep with her third. Trust me. If Tiffany can handle the epiderul, you can too.
I got to work a little early today so I get to leave at 2:30..if I get out on time. I'm getting moved to a new desk area today. I have so much more room in the new area! I have most of stuff my moved so I should be settled in before the end of the day.
You all have a terrific day!
Good Morning ladies and gentlemen,
Almost half way through the week!!
Hoping I won't be to busy at work today lol. Linda I had epidurals with 2 out of the 4 of my children, had no problems what so ever. When I had my first, I was 17 and my mom was scared to death of epidurals because of the spinal blocks they used to do and the problems they sometimes caused women, the Dr explained that the odds of that happening were very low. So I had it and boy was I glad!! You are going to be at Hendricks Reginal Health? Just down the road from me...I'll stop in and see you...and bring you a posey or 2. What days will you be there?
Have a happy day everyone!!

I have heard horror stories.. like it took 45 minutes to get it in... etc..
I have surgery Feb 6th and I will go home on Thur the 9th in the afternoon.. Hubby can't wake up early to come get me.. the morphene he is on keeps him pretty well out of it in the morning..
Will be great to see ya. Hubby usually doesnt visit.. just the first day and then picks me up.. he is weird about hospitals
Awwww....ya poor thing
I have had 2 epidurals....and since I have a curvature of the was hard for them to find where my nerves came out of my tailbone...but it was bareable. Once they start injecting the anesthesia...ya don't feel anything anyhow....kinda like when you get the shots in your mouth for dental work...just a brief uncomfortable period...followed by numbness.
You will do great...cuz you are as cute as a button and I can't imagine anyone causing ya more pain than needed
I have ya in my calendar to come and visit look for me
Oh...and we have a big night out coming up before your so looking forward to that!!!

Linda, I am sure you will be just fine. I will be thinking about you and have you in my prayers.
Oh I have to go for my check up at St. V on the 16th of Feb. I have to be there by 2:15 for the dietician. If someone could meet me there I have some carnation instant breakfast (no sugar added) you can have for the baskets. It is the variety boxes and i have about 4 boxes of it you can have. Just let me know.
pay day is always a good thing...unless it is my check we are talking i know nothing about the epidural,,,,i had 2 natural pain free child births, well other than the after birth pains when my daughter nursed....i did see my grandbabies mom after she had one, and i saw her before she had it....if i was in that much pain and that shot helped her that much i would sure have had one... if they had them back then i am not sure...i was very lucky as far as child birth went...
i did have the out for a nap feeling when i had my hand surgery
Morning laides & Gents,
I just got on the computer before Hubby goes to bed. I wish he/we could move it out of this room! He has been so swamped at work that by the time he eats his breakfast, he's ready to nod off.
Linda sweety, it will only take a few minutes & you will feel no pain! My daughter had to have one when caring all her boys, & I was with her the first time. Just ask the nurse to hold your hand, & you'll be fine
Is the hospital you are going to in Danville? I will try to stop by & see you! You will be "up & at um" in no time & ready to
!(or ride that cycle
in no time.
Boy, I remember "payday". Always too many bills & not enough $$-what am I talking about-still is!!
I am going over to my girlfriends flower shop so we can dicscuss what she wants me to do. I just loved Valentines when I had my shop. I always enjoy folks coming in to get something for their 'special someone"
.It always made me happy as well.)
Off I go to get some housework done-yuck! I like a clean home though, so here I go.

Morning All!!
I am at work plugging away......I feel like I am starting to get seems so many people are coughing, sneezing and hacking around me I am soooooo afraid of getting sick and being postphoned for surgery
I had a little sniffle last week and a dry throat so I took nyquil at night and sudafed during the day...I just want to be healthy....My hubby is so funny.....I got most of my vitamins and all and they are on the shelf over the sink in the kitchen...well it seems he is inspecting them all...lo I told him I started the Vitamins and really did not care for the taste of them....he was talking to me on the phone on break this morning and know the grape ones are really good!!
I guess he is trying them too!! I am so thankful for his support! Hey...Angie...what is the protein drink you said Ed was using? I am looking for a few to try after surgery. Well All I am back to work! Have a fantastic day!! Keep sure makes them wonder what you are up to!!