Linda ya cuet button!!!!
Yes Ma'am I did...and I haven't brought them in yet from thet car....BUT I did get the pictures from today in my photo link already....damn I'm good
We are thinking of joining some ladies at the 8 Second Saloon just north of Rockville Rd on Lynhurst for some dancing and mingling Saturday the 4th....Linda is going to be there for her 'farewell' before her knee surgery. Hope you can make it to that...get a sitter and bring the hubby too
Was a great turn-out missed a good one. Next one is in April. Met so many new faces today...but I can't remember any names...I am so bad about that
Senility creeping in
Hugs to you....and I hope you can settle back and get some rest and have a few quiet moments to reflect on the good memories...and take a minute for yourself

Thanks Linda for a class A job on this event. Ann and I both really enjoyed the opportunity to meet new folks and of course they we met before also. I found some nice clothes for the future. We just got home and it has been a long day. We went back to the Eastside and watched our grandkids until Dwayne got home, then he had to take us to look at their new house they are having built.
I will keep you on my prayer list for your upcoming surgery.
Finally went to the store for groceries last night, unpacked my car, did 1,000,000 other things...and then I looked at the clothes before bed...they are gorgeous lady!!!! I will take very good care of them
By the way...I tried on one of the size 8 dresses....and it fits
One of them fit but was it was loose only if I sucked in the tummy...not sure I could do that for several it is on my "Try again in 2 weeks" list
But I think the one that fits is what I will wear on my date today
All the 10's fit
Thanks sweety!!!

It was so good to see everyone, get to meet new people & SHOP!!!!
My salad never did set up;I must have done something wrong.
I even put extra dry diet jello in it thinking it would thicken-that's what I get for thinking!
Oh, "oldtimers disease" is really setting in.
I took the leftover 4 bags to the Salvation Army on 38th St. on my way home. (Just a quick hop off the interstate.)
I had a wonderful time & really appreciate all you did today girl.I hope your knee isn't bothering you.
I washed up & tried on all the clothes I got today-I am close to wearing the 16"s!!!Woo-Hoo.
Deb, I did get the capri's you brought-I'll enjoy them on our trip. (Can you tell I'm ready?!)
Leah, I hope you get some rest tonight, & have pleasent memories of all the time you spent together. We missed you.
Are you planning on going out to eat before going to the "saloon?" I don't think I'll be able to go , but could manage to get down for supper before. Let me know what the plans are.