Morning losers...
Morning Angie...
I have swallowed all m y m orning vitamins and am about ready to shower.. I am not working today I have to go with my son and DIL to take the trips to the hospital for thier kidney ultra sounds.. it takes one person per girl to handle Hospital appointments...2 have stage 2 reflux and Emily has stage 5.. they need checked every 6 months to see if it has advanced or not... Emily will probably have surgery when she is 2 to re-route the drain tubes..
I will be at the church at 10 getting the tables set and my car is already packed with clothes and full gift bags for Deb. when I get home from the exchange I will fill more bags and get them to Deb before my surgery cuz I dont think I will feel much like filling them after surgery for a few weeks..
I just found out last nite that i am not going to be able to come to the clothing exchange AGAIN! Im not happy because i have some bags of stuff sitting here now that i will have to take to goodwill or something. But I am glad we got some stuff sorted and out of the way.
I need to get with Deb or some one and arrange to get her some stuff for baskets that i have, so hopefully i can do that in the next week or so... hey that will make yet more room.
I hope you all have a great time and find lots of pretty clothes to wear.
Take Care,
Hi Carla
Maybe we can meet somewhere half way
So sorry to hear you can't make it tomorrow
As for your clothes...there are a lot of people in southern Indiana who post on here...maybe make a post asking if anyone can use them? I have had people drive to my house from Illinois, Ohio and Lawrenceburg area for clothes.
Take care...the next exchange will be at the end of date or place set yet. Maybe have it at Angie's again if it's nice and warm

nope can't be here....i let a cousin store some things in my pole barn....and i said well as long as it is out of here by end of sept..and oooh my gosh she filled the whole pole barn up...3 bedroom house of stuff short of washer, dryer,ect...i had no idea it was so much...i just did not even think it would be so much should it be nice and it is something i could do in the yard maybe...that would be nice,...or should i have the garage cleaned out by then and between the garage and drive way that would be gobs of room as well...the garage is on my list for soon though..we have time to figure it out...
Good morning...half a day of work today....then I am off for the weekend.
I have a "DATE" Sunday. I haven't been on a real date with a stranger since the 80's
How does one act on a first date??????? I forget
Will let everyone know where he takes me after it's over...will be interesting
See everyone tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

He sent me a message on my Yahoo Personal ad....turns out he knows my oldest brother
And there is another guy who lives in Fishers. This dating thing may turn out to be fun.....I could get used to guys calling me up for dates
If nothing else...I will be able to make some new single friends of the opposite sex
Will let ya know more after the date