Thanks everyone!
Thanks everyone for the concern, well wishes and beautiful basket of goodies! I really appreaciate it!
I was released from the hospital on saturday. I am still looking for that Mac Truck that hit me as I have a few choice words that I would like to share with it!
Still struggling with the pain which is not surprising for me as I have always been a pain whimp.
Sorry for those that came in on thursday for a visit.....they over medicated me...literally! They had me so far drugged that they had to call in the doctor, her assistant, the head nurse and speak with my family. Guess I showed them that if you don'****ch what you are doing....bad things can happen. Oh well. I came through it. I am still thankful for Carmel Hospital. They do a wonderful job.
I am a bit worn out for now. Hope to catch ya'll on the boards at a later date!

Welcome to the "losing" side! I remember the "Mac Truck" well. ( a "sister whimp".
I had some problems with pain. It will get better & so will you. Remember to try to get all your protein in, rest,walk, & take your vitamens. It will seem like it is taking all day, but you can get through it!! Here's to a thinner you!!!