DS'er with Dr. Inman
Personally I think Dr. I no longer performs revisions because I was her nightmare problem child. LOL But I think it's because of the higher risk for complications when you revise from an old surgery to the DS, and while complications can arise from a virgin surgery, too, they are higher with revisions, and she probably just doesn't want to take the chance. Can't say that I blame her.
There are some really good revision docs out there, tho', so if you need one, you'll probably have to travel. But the DS is SO worth it!!
There are some really good revision docs out there, tho', so if you need one, you'll probably have to travel. But the DS is SO worth it!!
i had my ds with dr inman 3 1/2 years ago. as a cutter she is AWESOME! but her aftercare simply sucks! unless something has drastically changed since i saw the dieticians at st v's in august.... their aftercare sucks too! no one from either office wants to be aggressive about supplementation until you are already deficient. i personally cant wait untill i dont have to see any of them any more and can just let my pcp take care of it all.
Dr.Inman is the only one that does DS in the state of IN

On the journey to losing weight, your friends & family will be the first people to try to knock you off. They do this not out spite, but out of being convicted and knowing they should do the same. It's easier to put someone down for doing the right thing, than for them to actually do it. So at your next family re-union or wherever you are eat your chicken and broccoli and smile when they make jokes about you, they are jealous!
wow, I have not been on here for awhile and now hear no DS revisions! Had my 2 year surgiversity in Jan and have not been back to surgeons office or st Carmel in over a year. I was pretty disappointed in last treatment. I am looking into switching if possible to a closer site for follow up care, hope I can do that!
DS on 11/14/12
I am actually in the process of having a revision done with Dr. Inman. I went to the initial seminar and met with her and now am in the process of all the preliminary work. I would suggest calling and speaking with them to see about her policy. I know there are alot more things I am having to do for the revision than I did for my initial band surgery.