Figured it out!
So after suffering with severe pain Sat-Tues, I ended up in the ER again Tuesday night. They gave me some great Fentanyl. Further chest xray and kub xray and labs were still normal. They admitted me to figure it out. Gallbladder ultrasound and Hidascan were normal but the pain continued to be severe, especially after I ate. Finally decided to do an exploratory surgery on Friday morning. They found a great deal of adhesions/scar tissue and also a "ugly" gallbladder which they removed. They also did an endoscopy while I was out and found an ulcer at the junction of my stomach and the roux limb (not where my ulcer has been in the past). I woke up feeling much better despite having just had surgery. I went home that late afternoon on pain meds and carafate and prilosec for my ulcer. My surgeon had said that rarely a patient will have a bad gallbladder even though all tests are normal, of course I had to be that patient. But at least they found the cause and removed it.
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
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