Life's back to normal...Finally!!
Hello Everyone!!!!! I'm finally back!!!!!
I had my surgery on March 3, (a week ago tomorrow), and I'm feeling great today!!! My husband told me that my surgery took about an hour. He told me that Dr. Evanson told him I was carrying on a full conversation with him in the OR when I was coming to, but I of course can't remember that. lol... I pretty much slept all day Thursday, and started feeling pretty sick on Friday. I wanted to be home in my own bed with my family on Friday, so I was released around 5 p.m. I slept the whole way home (almost 2 hours), and when I came home, I was so sick. I threw up my pain meds around 11:15 that night, and have not been on any pain meds since then. WooHoo!!! I was pretty sore all day Saturday and Sunday, and by Monday, I felt a little better. I felt lots better yesterday, and today, I feel great. I drove my kids to school this morning, and stared my vitamins. I start my protein drinks today too.
I've lost 12 pounds in less than a week. WOOHOO!!!! I'm so glad that I decided to take my life into my own hands, and do something that will make me a better mom and wife, and save my life. I want to thank everyone who sent me such kind get well messages while I was gone.
Hugs and kisses to you all!!

Hey You!!
Welcome to the Loser's Bench!!! I was worrying about you, since no news. What a wild ride
huh? I'm doing pretty good now after the first 3-4 days. Less sore, gas,pain. What was weird
for me was that I primarily "burped" the gas free...hadn't heard of that one did eventually graduate at the last to true "gas" . LOL Like you, I'm down 11 lbs already!
I've heard where others come home 10-20 heavier from preop, I had only a couple pounds
different. Peed ALOT in hospital kept the weight gain down I guess. LOL.
Anyway, good to hear from you!
Welcome to the Loser's Bench!!! I was worrying about you, since no news. What a wild ride
huh? I'm doing pretty good now after the first 3-4 days. Less sore, gas,pain. What was weird
for me was that I primarily "burped" the gas free...hadn't heard of that one did eventually graduate at the last to true "gas" . LOL Like you, I'm down 11 lbs already!
I've heard where others come home 10-20 heavier from preop, I had only a couple pounds
different. Peed ALOT in hospital kept the weight gain down I guess. LOL.
Anyway, good to hear from you!

Good morning Diane. I hope you are doing well.

Can you believe that we are finally on the losers bench? Wow!!!

It's been a week today since my surgery, and when I woke up today, my left side didn't hurt. It had been hurting, and the Dr. said it was normal since he stitched up 3 layers of muscle. Ouch!!! lol.... The only thing I'm hating now is the nasty Flinestone vitamins. I can't stand them!!! I'm curious as to what other multivitamin we can take.
Please keep me updated on how you're doing. I'm so glad we can share this experience together!!
Good morning Kara.
I hope you're doing well. Thank you so much for your message. I've been wondering how you're doing. Today was my "official" weigh day, and I'm down 16 pounds. WooHoo!!!
You are so right about Dr. E!! He is super amazing!!! I truely trust him, and he told me if I follow everything he tells me, I should have no problems. Bless his heart!!
I hear ya about the protein. I'm trying everyday to get it all in. I do have a couple of questions for you. Did Dr. E send you home with Prilosec? If so, do you swallow the whole capsule? Also, do you take the Flinestone vitamins? I hate them now, and would like to know if we can take anything else.
Please keep me updated on how you're doing!!!
He sent me home with 4 different prescriptions, Liquid Loratab (gross), prilosec, lexapro & some dissolving tablet. We aren't supposed to crush any of them, just take them whole & dissolve the blue tablet thingy in an ounce of water. I bought centerum chewables orange flavor which I can't stand the flavor so I crush them & take it really fast with water. And i did go about a week without the prilosec & lexapro & i noticed a bad difference, make sure you take them. lol.
Thanks for the update, I had been thinking of you. Congrats on the 12 pounds! I'm amazed you have been able to go without pain meds, good for you! I know you had a long ride home. I had to make that trip (well the opposite direction) once in an ambulance, so I know how long it can be when you are uncomfortable. Keep up the good work!
Stephanie E
Stephanie E
Good morning. I hope you're doing well. Thank you for your sweet message. It was really nice to get on here and see all the well wishes from everybody. I definately think that's helps with the recovery time.
I hope you're doing well, and that everything is going good for you. Please keep me updated on how you're doing.
I am doing great now. It's been a long 8 years since my RNY. My last surgery in August got rid of a lot of my daily pain. I am almost weaned off my pain meds. My goal is to be off all by this summer. I have a lot of adhesions cut out, but some are starting to grow back. I have been able to lose 40 pounds since June. I had regained 90 pounds due to steroids. Losing it the second time around is definitely harder! But as we all know, it is a life long journey! I wish you the best!
Stephanie E
Stephanie E