Pre Op Testing....DONE!!! WooHoo!!!
My pre op testing is done!!!! WooHoo!!!!

Went to St. Vincent's yesterday, (Friday, Feb. 18Th) for my pre op tests. I was supposed to be there by 6:30 a.m., but we checked in at 5:55 a.m!!! I couldn't wait to get it over with. The testing was supposed to start at 6:45, but I didn't get called bac****il after 7:30.
The first thing I had to do was give a urine sample. That's no big deal. Pee in a cup...check. Then it was time to breath into the little bags that my husband said looked like whoopie cushions. lol..

From there I went to radiology. I had a ultrasound of my liver and that was no big deal. Pretty easy and completely painless. My husband commented that it was so strange to look on the screen and not see a little baby!! Aww...bless his heart.
From there I went to get my chest x-ray and drink the barium "chalk drink". When I saw the cup, and the tech said I had to drink it all, I couldn't believe it. But, I thought, I've come this far, no turning back now. The tech told me that this usually makes or breaks a person. She said alot of people can't get through this step, and they cancel surgery.
I wasn't going to be one of those people. I held my nose, took three or four big drinks, and was all gone. THANK GOD!! The taste didn't bother me. It was the thickness. I couldn't get over how thick it was.

I laid on the table and did the log roll, over and over then I had to drink a thinner barium. Two big gulps through a straw,but that was not a big deal. I forget to mention that before the barium drink I had to take the little shot of what looked like pop rocks. That was no big deal.
From there I went to get my EKG, and my breathing test. No big deal....
Finally, I met with the nurse. We went over my history, signed some papers, chatted a little, and that was it. What a long day, but I made it!! My next step is my all day class on the 24Th, and surgery March 3. I want to thank everyone who told me that I could do it and for all the encouraging words.

Yay Kris!!
I knew you would come through it OK. (well, besides the blood drawing thing). BTW,
BJ was the nurse who did mine just the nutrition class is meets on 2nd floor above the bariatric unit actually just down the hall where the surgeon's office has moved is set up as long tables with chairs ..we got a half hour for lunch and we opted to drive to save time to the cafeteria located in basement in main hospital entrance side ..or you can stay there and eat your own lunch.. there was supposed to have a guest speaker like a post op patient but they didn't show so it ended sooner than would have otherwise....the only thing I thought they
really should have done was give a tour of the post op area as a supposedly could have gone on your own but I felt that would have been imposing on nurses there.
Not much left to now for me but wait....have done some shopping with vitamins, calcium, protein powder/drinks, jellos, oatmeal,puddings,etc. Walking as much as possible also on my treadmill to get in "training" for our walking laps post op. LOL...
I knew you would come through it OK. (well, besides the blood drawing thing). BTW,
BJ was the nurse who did mine just the nutrition class is meets on 2nd floor above the bariatric unit actually just down the hall where the surgeon's office has moved is set up as long tables with chairs ..we got a half hour for lunch and we opted to drive to save time to the cafeteria located in basement in main hospital entrance side ..or you can stay there and eat your own lunch.. there was supposed to have a guest speaker like a post op patient but they didn't show so it ended sooner than would have otherwise....the only thing I thought they
really should have done was give a tour of the post op area as a supposedly could have gone on your own but I felt that would have been imposing on nurses there.
Not much left to now for me but wait....have done some shopping with vitamins, calcium, protein powder/drinks, jellos, oatmeal,puddings,etc. Walking as much as possible also on my treadmill to get in "training" for our walking laps post op. LOL...
I'm so glad to hear from you. I was wondering if you were ok.

Are you getting excited about starting your new journey? It will be here before you know it. Wow, huh?!!! If you don't mind me asking, what kind of protein powder did you get? I bought 100% whey protein from Wal-Mart in the vanilla flavor. I thought maybe I could doctor it up a bit if I didn't like it. I sent away for a free sample of vitamins from Bariatric Advantage, but have not purchased any big bottles yet. When you went to the class, did they say anything about us taking Biotin? I've heard that it works, and some people say it does not work.
I hope you don't mind all the questions! LOL
I was there the week we had that terrible ice/snow storm, so I didn't linger there after class to
really look around like I would have like to. I didn't get to the boutique, but I have since ordered
chewable calcium from it on line(hard to find chewable calcium citrate)...I also ordered and received samples from had various flavored chewable vitamins and calcium samples in it . I figure the more pills that can be chewed up the better.
I have been using the Isopure protein powders 26 grams/scoop (vanilla, chocolate, fruit punch, unflavored) now as one meal replacement/snack and have lost about 15 pounds in the last three weeks. Whoo Hoo!! The MAIN thing is to read the protein label and make sure it is only the whey protein isolate. Anything else is not the right kind of protein especially post op. The Isopures are OK but I'm also aware that more than likely our tasters will change post op as well so I'm also wanting to get the unjury protein to have a variety at first since not knowing what will taste OK one day and maybe not the next....I' m ordering these from Amazon. I have bought at Wal-Mart the EAS ready to drinks they are on the OK list..Nothing was said about biotin just a personal preference..mainly keeping up on protein/calcium will keep/restore hair loss. Also am using the fiber powder Metamucil clear and add to decaf coffee/tea. Great way for fiber and no aftertaste..
Yeah, now I'm just wanting to git'r done LOL
and hop on the loser's bench....
really look around like I would have like to. I didn't get to the boutique, but I have since ordered
chewable calcium from it on line(hard to find chewable calcium citrate)...I also ordered and received samples from had various flavored chewable vitamins and calcium samples in it . I figure the more pills that can be chewed up the better.
I have been using the Isopure protein powders 26 grams/scoop (vanilla, chocolate, fruit punch, unflavored) now as one meal replacement/snack and have lost about 15 pounds in the last three weeks. Whoo Hoo!! The MAIN thing is to read the protein label and make sure it is only the whey protein isolate. Anything else is not the right kind of protein especially post op. The Isopures are OK but I'm also aware that more than likely our tasters will change post op as well so I'm also wanting to get the unjury protein to have a variety at first since not knowing what will taste OK one day and maybe not the next....I' m ordering these from Amazon. I have bought at Wal-Mart the EAS ready to drinks they are on the OK list..Nothing was said about biotin just a personal preference..mainly keeping up on protein/calcium will keep/restore hair loss. Also am using the fiber powder Metamucil clear and add to decaf coffee/tea. Great way for fiber and no aftertaste..
Yeah, now I'm just wanting to git'r done LOL

How are you? Sorry it's taken me so long to get back with you.
Are you ready for your big day?!!!

I'm getting nervous

I think I'm just about ready for Thursday. (my big day!!). The only thing I have left to get is some SF jello and SF pudding. Other than that, I'm all set.

I wish you all the best of luck for Monday. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi Kris,
I'm packing my things as I seen your reply. LOL. I like to be as prepared as possible, so am
packing what I can right now..
I'm going up there Sunday so I can be there Monday morning ready to go as requested, although surgery isn't until 12:30! The worst of it will be the no water/food from midnight Sunday
on til after surgery!!
I guess now I don't feel so much nervous as resigned and determined to see it through. I have a peace about me that I know is coming from the good Lord to trust in Him and the experience of the surgery team...
I'm hoping to be released on Wednesday, so I will go ahead and say my best wishes and prayers for you now also. I know it is going to be a wild week for both of us but I will try to post as soon as I'm able. See you on the Loser's bench !!!
I'm packing my things as I seen your reply. LOL. I like to be as prepared as possible, so am
packing what I can right now..
I'm going up there Sunday so I can be there Monday morning ready to go as requested, although surgery isn't until 12:30! The worst of it will be the no water/food from midnight Sunday
on til after surgery!!
I guess now I don't feel so much nervous as resigned and determined to see it through. I have a peace about me that I know is coming from the good Lord to trust in Him and the experience of the surgery team...

I'm hoping to be released on Wednesday, so I will go ahead and say my best wishes and prayers for you now also. I know it is going to be a wild week for both of us but I will try to post as soon as I'm able. See you on the Loser's bench !!!
How excited are you right now?!!!! Just think, this time tomorrow, you will be well on your way to a new beginning!!!! I wish you the best tomorrow as you undergo your surgery. I hope everything goes well for you.
If I don't talk to you before my surgery, I hope to talk again after we have both been home for a few days and have had time to adjust to our new life.
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow.
Again, Congrats on your new journey!!!!

I had totally forgot about the pop-rocks! It is funny how we forget the stuff we do not want to remember! Like drinking chalk and laying on the floor to get blood drawn! I usually end up looking like I took a hammer to my arms. Congratulations on getting past all that. You are well on your way to a new life.