Need Help Planning My "Goal Trip"
Ok, so as of today, I'm at 148.2, only 3.2 lbs. away from GOAL! I have decided to reach my original goal first before I decide whether I want to revise goal and go lower. A friend on here suggested that so that just for some reason I don't get to a lower revised goal that I don't feel like I've failed. Because I will have reached everything I set out for and that is a HUGE accomplishment and not to sell myself short. That sounds very wise to me, because I HAVE reached ALL the goals I have set out for and then some extra ones! My last goal is 3.2 lbs. away and I'm so anxious to achieve this goal that I can't stand it...WHICH NORMALLY MEANS IT WILL TAKE ME AWHILE TO GET THERE LOL - because it seems like anything I'm impatient for I end up learning the value of patience having to wait on it.
SSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO, in saying all that, my husband said when I starte this journey that when I met goal, he would take me on a small trip somewhere. So, please share your experiences on where to go and stay cuz I have NO CLUE! We are fairly budgeted so I don't want too expensive, but enough to enjoy it. Ya know? I've been looking into Myrtle Beach and Virginia Beach, possibly somewhere in Florida. I've never really been anywhere so I have no clue. He even said we could go to the Caribbeans for a 3 day trip. We won't be going until summer time, but I would like to get everything lined out early so I can be prepared. Thanks in advance for your all' help!
Goal Weight 145 lb. Met On: 2/5/11
265.0 (5/1/10) 242.0 (6/29/10) 136.4 (4/03/11)