Anyone's advice is appreciated!!!
Hi Kris! I'm not sure about these shots, however I am going to brave this upcoming storm to do my preop tests and nutrition class this week, perhaps I will know something about that then! I can't say I like shots myself, (I've had shots in both elbows) but I can "grin and bear it". It may be a while before I can post again, maybe next week..
Thank you for your message. I'm such a baby when it comes to shots. My friend that told me about them told me that we get three in our stomach a day at the hospital, then we come home with 8-9 shots. Her doctor is different then ours, but I'm still freaked out!! How stupid is that? lol. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to know how your preop tests and nutrition class goes. I'm so curious as to what tests we have to do, and what info they teach us at the class.
And if you can find out anything about the shots, please let me know!!

Be careful on your drive. I hope the storm they are saying we will get, won't be that bad. But, it is Indiana after all, and I should expect anything!! lol
What a wild week! Went Monday to get ahead of the storm (which I just did). Freezing rain and ice was no fun at all! Wednesday was preop tests which entailed blood drawn, pee test, breath in 2 balloons (checks for a bacteria that predisposes ulcers), if you still have your gall bladder (which I do) an ultrasound of it ,chest xrays, upper GI barium xrays, (I thought this was the hardest and grossest stuff to swallow) and then the respiratory therapist shows you how to use the breath metered device to do deep breaths exercises for especially after surgery. It sounds like alot to do, but really only took like a couple of hours.
The class was the next day on Thursday. Frankly I basically already knew most of this from previous info I got from the initial consult package. It covers diet plans and vitamin requirements post op. That was of the am. Then in the pm a nurse covered surgery day ,the stay, and requirements after leaving the hospital. Unfortunately, it does include the Lovenox shots...which each surgeon is different on how much is given per patient (and each patient is different as well). You are given these in the hospital and a supply to take home to complete the full required course. I can't say I'm looking forward to doing this, because I don't have any experience at it and I don't have family or friends whom are experienced either. But it is better than getting a killer blood clot!
All I can say I'm this much closer to the goal and another step on the journey...I just shake my head when people say this is the "easy way" top it off my lane to home has a steep valley and hill, which was completely nothing but I had to park my car on the last level ground before this and try to lug my luggage and stuff home today! I sure hope we get a warm up soon to melt this ice!!
BTW do you know what time your surgery is? Mine will be at 12:30 p.m.
Forgive me for always calling you that, but I can't seem to find your name on any of my messages. lol
I'm so glad you made it back home safely. Sounds like all the preop testing is enough to make your head spin! lol.... I've heard alot of people say the stuff you have to drink is the worst part of all the testing. How exactly do you have to drink it. By that, I mean do you have a certain amount of time you have to drink it? Is the cup a huge cup, or a small one. I'm just full of questions!! If you still have your gallbladder (I still have mine), will Dr. E take it out during surgery? And about the shots, do you think there is anyway Dr. E would let me have some numbing cream? I'm so scared of needles, which is crazy because I've had 3 kids!!
As far as the all day class, did they recommend any certain vitamins or protein powder? Did you get any little goodies to help you when it's time to eat and drink? I hope you don't mind all the questions.
Here's an update on where I'm at now. I FINALLY received an e-mail back from Colleen. I e-mailed her yesterday, letting her know how frustrated I've been with the office. I told her that I call and call, leave voice mails for everyone, and no one calls me back. Now, here's the cool part!! She PROMISED me that Heather was taking my file home this weekend, and that Monday I will be getting a call with the exact date and time for my surgery and for all my preop things. She told me that if I don't receive a call by Wednesday, that she will personally take care of things for me.
How cool is that?!!! Finally, some help!!
I'm so happy that now I can start my journey along with you! Wouldn't it be something if we had surgery on the same day? We could walk the halls together!
As they say, knowledge is power, so I understand the need for the questions. lol!
The barium "paste" was about a half full small fast food drink cup. You have to first swallow a pill cup's worth of "carbonation crystals' and immediately try to swallow the paste as soon as possible I suppose to help trap the air from the crystals because you have to fight the urge to burp. They expand your stomach and gets a better coating then.
Each surgeon is different, but I think generally so long as the gall bladder is basically healthy, they will leave it alone.
As far as the shots go, part of what is given us to take home is an education kit dvd to study over to get as comfortable as possible with giving yourself shots...the needle is very small and apparently goes in easily...a suggestion was given to ask the nurse while in hospital to tutor you in giving yourself a shot or two before leaving..
There is great leeway in the vitamins and proteins, so long as they cover all the daily requirements its then just a personal preference...they give you a notebook of everything they cover in class for reference later..
Personally I got the Flintstone Complete chewable vitamins, B-12 sublingual dots, calcium citrate with D caps, I already use an RTD protein drink EAS AdvantEdge (as a meal replacement ) so I thought that was cool it was already on the list.
We received a little lunch bag with a baby spoon. Now in class the nut also showed a sippy cup so I don't know if we get that when we leave post op.
Have you heard anything yet? I spent today dealing with email/calls/appts to get final exams fmla paperwork in order and trying to stress to them the URGENCY to get done ASAP!! We are getting to be old warriors of the red tape! lol!
Hello! I hope you're doing well. ***UPDATE*** I have a date!!!

I'm still waiting on her to call me back with a pre op date and time. I can't believe it!!! Finally!!!
Thank you so much for answering all my questions. I have so many of them! I'm just trying to prepare myself on what to expect. I think the one thing that scares me the most is shots. Isn't that silly? I mean, I'm facing major surgery, and I'm afraid of the shots. Geezz !!! I'm also nervous about having to drink the "paste'. I hope I don't throw up!! How in the world do you contain a burp? lol
It's so nice to have you to talk to about this journey.

The only other thing they ask us to do is on the day before surgery, do a "bowel prep" diet..if you don't follow this they WILL CANCEL surgery! Basically a backward postop diet where your heaviest meal is breakfast (cereals,toast) no heavy things like bacon sausage eggs...then lunch is the full liquid meal (pudding,mash potatoes,cream soups,etc.)...the last meal is the clear liquids (jello,broths,juices). And of course NOTHING after midnight!!! I still have to follow this even though surgery isn't until 12:30pm and that's if there are no delays! Maybe that will be a blessing, I should truly have an empty stomach/bowel by then! lol!
I too can't believe how fast this month is going. When I first started this journey, I thought it would take forever to get to have my surgery, and's next month!! Wow!!!

Thank you so much for telling me about the bowel prep. I thought we would have to drink some of that nasty tasting stuff they give you before you have to have a colonoscopy. My husband and to drink that a few years ago, and it was all he could do not to throw up!!! I can handle the prep diet!!
Are you ready to start your new journey? I'm making lists of things that need to be done before my surgery. I'm also trying to prepare my kids for what's about to happen. My oldest daughter and youngest daughter have alot of questions, but basically, they support me. My middle daughter is totally against the surgery, so I have to use baby steps when I speak of the surgery. I'm also trying to prepare my husband for all the "chores" he will have to do while I'm recovering. I just hope he can handle it all!!
Is it normal to be scared to death and excited at the same time? lol