Having a weird pain?
I am having this weird pain like where you have a pain when get something stuck in your pouch or are full. It started last night and when I woke up this morning it was still there and it is starting to worry me. It is a constant pain but it comes and goes and feels kind of tight. I am just wondering if it something to be worried about and heck maybe I am having a heart ache? I am over a year out from surgery and have had no complications!
I should have posted this earlier, yes I did talk to my doctor and last Tuesday I went for an endoscopy which I almost put off but he wasn't available again till January. Anyway they found a staple that had worked it's way loose and was in my pouch! It had not done any damage just some small cuts, but thank God I did listen to my body and went in, it could have done some serious damage! Everything else looked really good in there and I have the pictures to prove it!! I have had no pain and have felt good sense! Thank you for asking

Very glad to hear you are doing OK Now. That could have been serious! We do have to learn to listen, don't we. I have been having some strange aches and can feel lumps in my old stomach area on the right side. I think possible hernias? I see my DR next week and will bring it up then. Not really any pain, just tender and touchy.