5 Year Surgiversary
On July 18th, I had my 5th surgery anniversary! No way does it seem like it has been that long!
I have a minor set back and I wanted to find out if any one else has had it....
Sometimes textures/tastes of food that I have had no problems in the past with make me gag! Literally I cannot swallow the food! I have to spit it out! Maybe only 2 to 3 bites. I cannot eat anything after I gag either. Just strange! I don't have a problem with food. It goes down fine. Just the gag reflux every now and then.
Another thing, I have a problem with the spinchter odie after my gallbladder was removed 2 years ago. It has spasms! It opens and sucks back in the acid that was to go out of my pancrease, liver, etc. back into the tube. Thus the spasms. I have passed out because of these spasms! They take my breath because they are so painful. I turn white and they last for around 45 minutes! Only fix is to have 3 surgeries...one to insert a tube into my bottom stomach then wait 30 days and have a scope through the tube and fix the Mr. Odie. Then 30 days later take the tube out. Not liking that.
Otherwise, no problems! I am at my lowest weight and have been forever. I love to exercise since I can after my major back surgery in December. I appreciate and love my WLS. What would I have done without it? My whole life has changed. I love clothes shopping! LOVE IT! It is great to be able to wear anything I want! Recently shopping at Kohls, I fit in a size 4. I was wearing 26-28, 3 xls and they were tight. I feel great 99% of the time!
Yes I would do it again! At first---no way! But after living in my new body for so long, I don't want to go back!
Congrats on your 5year surgery anniversary! WOOHOO...
I can touch on the Spinchter of Odie topic just a little with you. I've had some unexplained sharp pains that double me over and can last anywhere from 15min-hour. One of my options was to go in and see if I have Spinchter of Odie and what you described is exactly what they said I would have to go through also. What scared me was the high chance of getting pancreatitis after the procedure. So I'm not liking the choice either and I have not gone through with it. Trying to weigh my options and decide how the pain affects my quality of life. For me it's a hard choice and one I need some time to decide on.
Congratulations on your weight loss, being able to shop at Kohl's and I wish you much continued success!
I am a Bariatric patient/professional, an Obesity Help Support Group Leader and Certified Life Coach. I consider myself to be one of the biggest advocates for obesity in my community. My goal is to educate the public on obesity as a disease and give back to the bariatric community through my personal experiences and life coaching.
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I remember reading your posts when I was a new post op. I was wondering about you the other day. I am glad you back surgery has helped your quality of life. I am sorry you have a Mr Odie though. I admired you for being in a size 6 when I was a new post op. I am also down to a full fledged size 6 all the time and some times am into a size 4. I so want to be a size 4 all the time.but beggars can't be choosers, I just need to reflect on where I came from a size 22-24 most all the time and could hardly walk a city block without being winded, now walking 5K without a problem. I am so happy for your 5 year surgiversary. Congratulations.!!!!