Anyone need Bariatric Advantage chocolate chewables?
I have 4 unopened bags of the BA chocolate flavor chewable calciums that I don't want/need. Due to the cost, I asked the dieticians if I could switch to Viactive, and they said yes. Woohoo! BA said they would take the unopened bags back, but by the time I pay shipping and a restock fee, there's barely anything left to refund my money, so I thought I'd see if anyone here needed/wanted them. $30 for all 4, which is what I paid.
Highest/Day of Surgery/Current (8/15/09)/Goal (mine)
I thought Viactive wasn't the "right" kind of calcuim. Those are calcium carbonate, not calcium citrate. My yellow sheets from St. V's say to take calcium citrate.....maybe something's changed? I'll have to ask my NUT.
But anyway, if I lived closer I'd take them. I love those little foiled wrapped treats of chocolate...that's how I think of them anyway. LOL
But anyway, if I lived closer I'd take them. I love those little foiled wrapped treats of chocolate...that's how I think of them anyway. LOL
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom? ~ Anais Nin~
That's why I asked the dieticians, because Viactive is the carbonate. She emailed me back and said that I could take the carbonate as long as I take them after a meal, because a full stomach will produce the acid necessary for absorption. And of course, they'll recheck my labs in April at my 2 year follow up, but my one year labs came back wonderfully, so she wasn't concerned about me switching.
I'll be happy to drive them part way or something....Westfield is only about 30 minutes down 31 from me! Just let me know if you want them, and we'll work something out.
I'll be happy to drive them part way or something....Westfield is only about 30 minutes down 31 from me! Just let me know if you want them, and we'll work something out.
Highest/Day of Surgery/Current (8/15/09)/Goal (mine)