My Friend
My friend Phil just passed away. He didn't want to go back to the nursing home, he wanted to go home. I feel he knew, Thanks to all for the prayers. love & blessings Gail
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
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I'm so sorry about Phil. I'm sorry too that you could not find my home # when you wanted someone to talk to. I will text that to you today. I saw Becky's MySpace comment today and please tell her and Michelle that I am thinking of them and their lost of Phil as well....
I'm so sorry about Phil. I'm sorry too that you could not find my home # when you wanted someone to talk to. I will text that to you today. I saw Becky's MySpace comment today and please tell her and Michelle that I am thinking of them and their lost of Phil as well....
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...