Giving up
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Ellen, Thank you for the kind words. It is nice to know that others feel that same "OMG what have I done" and "I am failing" thing. I am going to try to buy a YMCA membership in February--I used to belong to a gym and really enjoyed going so I hope that will help with the exercise. Until then, I will do the Richard Simmons video on days I can't walk. Do most people have trouble getting all their vitamins, calcium, etc in each day? I usually get all my vitamins and medicine but rarely get all my calcium. Protein I do so-so on--better than the calcium, but not great. Water I am actually doing well at. Just everyday that I don't get something done, I feel worse about myself. I have been going to the support groups--the one in my area is only once a month--which feels like a long time between groups, but I can't afford to drive to Indy for the meetings there.

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."