Happy Wednesday!

LaChelle R.
on 1/29/08 7:44 pm - Erie, PA
Hope everyone is doing well this morning.  The girls are on a 2 hour delay due to storm damage, and I have to work at 9, so Jimmy will have to attempt to get Molly on the bus. She isn't going to be happy about that, but she can't miss any more school. She does fine catching up, I just don't like the idea of her missing.   Hope everyone has a great day, and is safe if you have cleanup to take care of.  I doubt if  we will be busy at the casino today, because of all the storms last night. But, I may be wrong. Who knows.  Have a great day all!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 1/29/08 10:14 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone! Whew! What a storm that was last night!! And wow..did you notice the temperature drop??? It was 54 when we were out & about yesterday...it is now...7!! And that is warmed up a degree or two since 6:30! Don't ya just love living in Indiana??? In January...a warm spree, a tornado warning, and snow flurries (predicted..not here yet) all within 24-36 hours! I saw Jodi yesterday and she was doing great and was in very good spirits. She should be getting released sometime today. The next week or so is going to be rough on her while she waits for the lab results from the lymph nodes so keep her in your prayers...k? Bill mentioned to me this morning that if it weren't for my doctor appointments, we could sneak off to Vegas for a week or so while we were waiting for my surgery. And then I reminded him that we love to walk in Vegas and being up & walking just isn't too good for me right now. He thought I'd be ok just sitting at a slot machine though...hahaha!! And then he thought of the seat belts on the plane and realized how that just wouldn't be a good idea right now. LOL! The idea of getting away somewhere warm is great. Being able to go though? It just isn't a good time. Besides, I wouldn't have the $ to sit at the slot machines with my pay reduced right now. So..him mentioning it is just making me wi**** was about 6 months from now! LOL! I DO miss our Vegas! We didn't get to go at all last year. Marianne! I'm having Vegas withdrawals!!! Gail..I hope you are doing better today! Jacqui & Dawn...I was telling Ellen about Feb. 7th. She is going to come down if she can. Provided Bill isn't having eye surgery that day, I'll be there...and I think Gail plans on coming with me. Ellen reminded me that there are tons of places to choose from just a little bit further north on 31. There's a Chili's, AppleBee's, TGI Fridays, and several others. One of those places may offer a larger table than Max & Erma's...I think a 4 person booth is their largest. I'll see if Hope can join us. It'll give her a chance to meet others & be able to get out of the hospital for a little while. You all have a really good day today! Stay warm.... Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Gail O.
on 1/30/08 1:52 pm - indianapolis, IN
I am feeling better, the Doc wants me to take it easy. I got a z-pack and cough meds. I will ready to on the Feb. 7th. Love ya Blessings & Hugs, Gail
on 1/29/08 10:32 pm - Wabash, IN
LORDY LORDY!!!!!! this Indiana weather is something else!  DITTO on the temp drop Sherri but I DID get the rain, sleet and then snow!  Its 4 above here now and the wind chill is 21 below.......of course we had school today..no delay...and get this...THE SUN IS SHINING! lol Well today I think I am gonna tackle the dining room...yesterday I redid the bathroom and cleaned it all up top to bottom...Saturday and Sunday I did my closet and bedroom and laundry Monday I did the living room...all thats left is the kitchen !  OMG its not even SPRING YET!  LOL I just have had so much energy since surgery and I have met another goal...I can CLEAN MY HOUSE the way I want it cleaned...LOL  Might take me all day to do one room..but it gets done! WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO Seems like I have been hitting lots of WOW moments and Goals lately...I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!  Actually can stand in the shower instead of sitting on the side to bathe...OMG SHAVED MY LEGS without being a contortionist...WALK and SHOP and carry in the bags...COOKmeals...really just do all the thing smost people take for granted...my knees and back were BAAAAAAAAAAAD...still not the best...but my back doesn't hurt as bad (I have had 2 surgeries) but the knees are better...hopefully can get along ok till I lose more weight so I can have the knee replacements. (ok another wow...I KNOW maybe TMI...and I am not skinny yet...but OMG skinny sex is wonderful! sex was great before...but woooooooohooooooooooo NOW) OK I have rambled enough...thanks for putting up with me, my Indiana Posse! luv y'all huggggggggggggs Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

(deactivated member)
on 1/29/08 10:41 pm - Greenfield, IN
All I can say is AMEN to the skinny sex!!   Sam
Jenny K.
on 1/29/08 11:07 pm - IN
Good morning all! Another day at work today.  We didnt get much of the storm last night. Got a lot of wind and some rain and I heard a few rumbles of thunder and that was it.  I got prepared though and got a bunch of candles out just in case the power went out. Suppose to get 5-8 inches of snow beginning tomorrow night into Friday. Janene I know what you mean about the WOW moments.  I am 5 lbs away from onderland and I havent been that since before I got pregnant with my first kid about 15 years ago.  My energy level has increased as well.  Have fun cleaning!  Have a good day all Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 1/29/08 11:02 pm - Indianapolis, IN
HEY! Can we just hush up about sex????????? I haven't had any since before my plastics on September 25th!!!! And with the surgery yet another month away!?!?!?! Bill is going to feel like he's with someone different anyway since my thunder thighs aren't as thunderous. Of course....he will still have problems finding the girls since they weren't done too..lol! I REALLY don't think we'll be waiting 6 weeks after I have the surgery (can you say 'ride 'em cowgirls!..?) but we are probably looking at the end of March at least...so 6 months! OMG..I am going to be darn near a virgin again by the time we can 'go there'! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 1/30/08 8:32 pm - Wabash, IN
OMG Bless your heart! I think the end of March calls for a shopping spree at the "Play Store"! WOOOOOOOOHOO new sexy lingerie and a few surprises  (can you say chaps and rope!??) COWGIRL UP! Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

Brenda R.
on 1/29/08 11:39 pm - Portage, IN
Now, girls, girls, girls. Have I hit the x posts here?   Oh well, what better subject is there?  None that I can think of. I know my Bill takes meds and it cuts down on his six drive. At times that drives me nuts!!!!  Oh the trials and tribulations of being over 50 at times!! It is cold here too. It is 3 here and I have no idea what the wind chill is. I know that they were saying -23 but the sun is shinning here too. I know that Chesterton got out of school today but I am not sure about Portage. I doubt it because I think that Portage would have school is most of the buildings were gone. They would just hold classes in the parking lot.  We sure can't lose any of the tax money from the state, that's for sure!!!! The storms here were terrible last night. We got about 3 or 4 inches of snow but it was the terrible thunder and rain before and the wind was so bad. I was at WalMart and was hearing the thunder and the wind in there. It was so cold that I felt like a popsicle by the time I got home. It wa 51 when I went to WalMart and was there about an hour. I couldn't believe the change. Then when it turned to snow and the winds were still high (about 48 mph) you couldn't see the road beside us. I know that when Bill came home from work it took in almost and hour and a half and it usually takes about 20 minutes. He called and told me that it was terrible and I asked him if there was a lot of people on the toll road and he told me no. I told him that most people aren't nuts and out driving around. I was so glad to see him walk in. You know that saying, if you don't like the weather in Indiana just wait a minute and it will change. If that isn't the truth I don't know what is!!! I went to go get the walker for Baby Izzy and they didn't have it. I think that I am going to just get a WalMart card for her and be done with it. I told Bill that I am going to do that because they aren't going to need the walker for a while and this way if there is something that they need to get before the baby comes they can use it for that. I do have a motive to my madness though. I don't want to shop for it again. I hate shopping. Never liked and never will.  I better get going. I have gone on and on enough. I will check in later to see what is going on and I hope that you all have a good, safe and warm day today.   for now.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 1/30/08 12:37 am, edited 1/30/08 12:43 am - Thorntown, IN
Hi Everyone,  just a quick note while I am getting ready to go sit with the grandkids again.Sherri, I'm thinking warm sandy beaches, cool breezes, and palms swaying in the breeze, & lying under a cabana with a cute guy serving up sf.not-a-colatta's  mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!Sure you don't want to go lie in the sun ~hee~hee!!! well, we can dream can't we??!!  Oh, the trials of my kids- Penny has been offered a great job with a local lawyer ( only 2 mi. from home) hubby is demanding she leave Homeland Security( late nights, weekends, jealous -HE wanted the job & didn't get it) anyway, I am letting her vent & keeping my opinions to myself,unless asked.  Geeze, it was aweful driving home last night from Carmel- straight line winds, cold, snow blowing, and freezing!!! It took me 75 min. to get home- trucks were pulling off the road, & no traffic going north.My windshield kept icing up from all of the slush the  cars/trucks passing kept throwing at me. I almost turned around & went back to the kids house- only my bed was calling me -come home! Gotta say, I do love my own bed!!!  The kids & I went to the Library again, for the Legos Challange- Jax had a ball !!! He met some new friends & is so creative, they had made a castle;airport;race track with cars; & wrecker trucks~ gotta love kids with imaginations! Willow is all into the computer games on the internet for preschool kids, so she loves it! Plus, it gives me a little break in the day- yeah!!  I talked for a few minutes with Jodi yesturday- she was tired from sitting up talking with Sherri so much & ready for a nap. She sounds in great spirits! I let her know we are all here for her & that we're praying for her. I am so glad she has such a supporitve man in Matt & her family. It means so much when you are going thru all of this to know you are loved. I hope to visit her when she's up to it at home. Well, off to the races with the grandkids- go, Grammy,go!!!!hee~hee!!!! (((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))) Ellen
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
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