So Excited!
Hi, I read your thread and thought that I would answer. I have been thinking of you.
Your consult tomorrow will be rather short but to the point. I remember mine being that Dr. will come in and repeat for the upteenth time all of the things that could go wrong. He is so good at doing that. I really appreciated it. Nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen. You will start the liquid diet and he will ask you the day of surgery how much weight you lost. They will weigh you and set the date. So you went through your month of classes already? Boy I guess I lost track of the time. It flies by so fast. Good luck on your visit tomorrow and let us know what is going on. The time between now and the date of surgery is going to go by soooo fast your head is going to spin. If there is anything that I can do just let me know. I think I gave you my phone number didn't I? We live so close to each other and up here there isn't a lot of that. Good luck tomorrow.
Thanks so much Brenda!! After I posted this I realized I should have just sent you a message! My brain is a little out of it. My 2 year old has been sick the past couple of night so I feel like I have a newborn again!!
Did they tell you at your visit when your surgery date was, or did they call you later?
They told me the date while I was in the office. Dr. asked someone a date and they told him and they bickered a bit because doctor was going to be out of town and he won't do a surgery when he isn't going to be in town for the following week. He had told me first that he was going to do a open RNY and then at that visit he told me that he thought that he could do a Lap RNY. So he told them to schedule a lap with possible open. The office called me and told me later on that the insurance approved a open and if I wanted the lap done they would have to resubmit the whole thing. By then I was so tired of dealing with doctors that I told them to keep it a open because with my luck he would get in there and find that he had to do it open and then I would just have to wait some more. Is he doing it lap or open? If I can help any more just let me know. That is what we are here for. Good luck tomorrow.
I don't know if they are doing open or lap yet. She said we would discuss that at the appointment. I'm hoping for the lap though. The recovery is faster and like I said, I have two very young kids.
Thanks so much for the info!! I'm hoping to go in and have him tell me my Valentine's Day present will be surgery!! At the very least I'm hoping to be told I can't have any holiday candy because I'll be on the liquid diet. I never thought I would be excited to be told I can't have any Valentine's Day candy!! LOL