Surgery is scheduled!
Don't get me wrong...I am aggrevated by all these delays. The surgery wouldn't have had to be postponed to start with if the hemophilia center had just done what they should have on Jan. 11th. And I still don't get why it couldn't had been scheduled before Jan. 1st. I can't see it being because of the wound since they will be reopening it to get to the abdominal wall and all the scarring that has taken place, removed. It makes me wonder why I had to wait for it to heal more then. I think most of the delays though were due to Dr. Bergman's busy schedule. At any rate, getting ticked off won't speed up the time anyway. So..I wait.
Let me know when/where for lunch. How about that mexican place on E. Washington just west of Kittley? Hopefully, all will calm down before April 21st. After that, I'll be sticking to the near south-side (like by Gail) for lunch dates.
If it weren't for Sudodu, I'd go nuts. It keeps my mind busy without being hard physically for me. I have tons of books I should be reading but I just haven't had an interest in them. I could also be doing some plastic canvas..but it too hasn't peaked my interest. I also have about 40 new CD's to download into my MP3 but there they sit on my file cabinet...still in their skins. So....Sudoku it is.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Hi Sherri,
Glad you finally got a date, sorry it is so far off. BUT, everything happens for a reason. Maybe your body just needs the extra healing time in order to be ready for this new assault! Even when surgery is supposed to fix something it is causes damage, however temporary. Maybe you need this delay for your body to get ready. I'm glad you keep a good attitude about all of this. I believe that makes a major difference in how well you heal.
Keep us informed on the "last supper" thing. I think the Lincoln sounds good too.
After having the tummy tuck/abdo & thigh lift, I'm not concerned about Dr. Berman's part at all. I'm trying really hard not to think about what all Dr. Gupta will be doing though. Because of me being able to feel where all the intestines spill forward as soon as I'm not laying down, I can tell that the opening is huge. It's long (just under my ribs to my pelvis) and wide (I would guess it's a good 8-10" gap or so). It feels like it's stretching out bigger as time passes. Two weeks ago, I didn't feel/see the intestines as low as I can now. Dr. Gupta will be pulling that gap closed as much as possible and then connecting the two sides with mesh. (Of course) I've read up on the procedure some and the mesh works because over time, scar tissue will grow up into the mesh...and increase it's strength. I just have to be very careful and give it time to grow. I know that there is no way the insides are going to be very thrilled will being pulled & tugged on and then add insult to injury by sewing into them. I remember very well how sore my butt cheek was when I had my hysterectomy. They had pushed the tailbone back down and pushed the cervex back up (childbirth I guess can reverse them) to where they belong and then held them in place by stitching them up and going through the tissue in the butt cheek to do it! I couldn't sit on that part of my butt for 6 weeks! I least I won't have to worry about 'sitting' on my abdomon..huh? lol.
Bill did ask Dr. Gupta how long I would be in the hospital. She kinda hesitated and I saw where she's look at him..and then glance over at me like she was trying to guage my reaction...and told him that it all depended on how well I did on pain management control..that probably at least 2 days. A little later she told me that she had all the paperwork in to Anthem. Then went on to say that she had to put '1 night stay on the paperwork because that's standard for hernia repair. But I can always send an admendment and put down that we needed to get the pain under control to conver for the additional days it's going to take. Afterall, we already know that there's abit more going on in there than just the usual hernia'. Oh yeah...that's something NOT to concentrate on, huh? It's also the main reason why I asked to be on the bariatric floor if possible. If there are newbies in there, you know me. I am going to do all I can to get my butt out of that bed, out of that room, and go meet these people! It will help me push past the pain. The OR is the one who sets that up and they told Dr. Gupta last Monday that it all depends on how many new post-ops that are scheduled to have surgery & would be up there on if they could get me there or not...but that they would do all they could to make it happen.
So..that's how I'm mentally dealing with the future pain..I'm not! LOL! Naw...I'm just thinking of how to deal with it.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
It's such a shame that you've had to go through all of this, but I think you are handling it extremely well. I admire you for your fortitude and great attitude. You help to inspire all the newbies on the board that run into complications. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and be sure to let someone know your room number so I can come see you when you're in there. I hope to be able to make your next "last supper" too!

I don't know if you caught it the other day or not but Jodi & I had posted about having regularly scheduled monthly dinner get-togethers (besides the little impromptu ones we may do). We had asked if someone wanted to be the driver of it, to please do so. I had asked for someone to be willing to be the contact person so that those who are willing to 'host' them (find a restaurant that is post-op friendly and get all the info they can on it...and BE THERE for the dinner) could let that contact person know. No one came forward offering to be the contact person. Maybe it was the idea that they would also be responsable for posting about the dinners and being the point person between the hosts and the questions that usually pop up (do they take the bariatric card, directions).
At any rate, even without a point person, the idea of monthly dinners sounded appealing to more than just me & Jodi. Yay! Emil visited Jodi in the hospital yesterday morning...before he had a chance to read this thread...and offered to be the host for the first monthly dinner....on March 1st. It the 'jodi update' thread, he has suggested the Paragon restaurant on Girl's School Road & Rockville Road (271-3514). I think it's terrific that he came forward and is willing to host this one. I think it's pretty cool too that Bill & I have an excuse to try a new restaurant...especially one not on the eastside. It doesn't matter to me if folks want to consider it the 'monthly dinner' or my 'last supper' or both. I just hope we don't have a 'last supper' for someone at all of the monthly dinners! I want all my buds to be healthier than that!!!! LOL!
So...March 1st...Paragon..mark your calendars! Consider it however you want...just come if you can.
As to Lincoln Square...Bill & I are up for there whenever. No special occasion needed! In fact, we're having dinner tonight there with my mil & her bf. I know Floyd & Brenda like it there too. I'm pretty sure Tracy & Antonette, Scott, and Emil & Becky liked it there too. Since us & Floyd & Brenda live closer to it though...they probably don't frequent it as much as we do....LOL! At any rate, if you're in the mood for there (or anywhere else!!) sometime, just let me know a day or two in advance (and everyone else on here too!). I'm sure Bill & I would love to join you. Shoot...we'd join others on the other sides of town if they'd just post on here where & when!
ps..thank you for the compliment. Really, I just try to handle whatever comes up in the best way I can. Life has taught me to be flexible. It's also taught me to say 'more drugs please' when I need them! lol! I know that these complications and any/all pain associated with them is just something temporary. I can manage through temporary. I feel like I have felt '10' when I was in the ER awaiting surgery on 10/6. They were pumping me full of pain meds and it wasn't touching it. After having gone through that, I can deal with anything that comes up...with a little help from my pharmacutical friends..

Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Sounds good! You got my numbers!!!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Thanks..that's just life though, you know?
I'm glad you're doing better & are all moved.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...