Surgery is scheduled!
Hi everyone! I guess I am just destined to have this hernia awhile longer! I was suppose to have had it removed last Monday but a last minute bloodwork stopped it when the CBC showed that my white blood cell count was way too low. After getting several CBC's ran last week, it was definitely determined that it was low due to the coumadin (blood thinner..for the blood clots I had). Now that I have been off of the coumadin in preparation for the surgery for more than 10 days, it is all out of my system and my white cell count is back in the normal range. The two surgeons were given the ok to reschedule me for surgery on Friday by the Indiana Hemophilia Center. I just found out when the surgery is scheduled...March 3rd!! Yeah, I know. I couldn't believe that it was so far off either. The biggie though was trying to get a 4 hour window where both specialists and the operating room would all be available. My new return to work date that Dr. Gupta's office will be putting down is April 21st. I sure never thought my 7 wk medical leave would turn into 7 months. If I thought I could last 8 hours, I would ask to come back between now & then but I really doubt I would last 2 hours. I know after 2 hours of being up here at home, I have to go lay down for awhile. The hernia I think is getting larger..and lower. It pushes hard on my bladder and on the incision line from the tummy tuck. I swear, sometimes it feels like it's trying to push that incision back open (it IS well closed/healed though). Not to mention, with my intestines having the extra room to roam, food isn't staying in them the way it is suppose to. Those 2 hours, I would be in the bathroom more than anywhere else. Hey...I am up to the 4 out of 6 star Sudoku's that I have on the bathroom sink! I think I'm on puzzle 522..and this puzzle book stays in the bathroom only! I am still slowly losing weight. I'm at 145 lbs now. I was 175 lb the morning I had my plastics. It was expected for me to lose 15 lbs..which is why the CBC was ran..because I lost 30 lbs instead. I feel like I eat all the time just to keep my weight where it is. On March 1st, we'll probably try to do another 'Last Supper' thing. It's a good way to calm the patient's nerves down some pre-op. I'm thinking Lincoln Square on 21st (between Shadeland & Franklin) would be a good choice. I'll send out a note when we know for sure. I know I'd be thrilled to see all my friends..and let you help me calm the butterflies! Sherri |
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I've been reading all your posts but not responding to all of them. It is ridiculous that the doctor's can't or more correctly won't coordinate their schedules before March so you can have this surgery. I word you've been more than patient (play on words) waiting for this - you would think they would make it a priority as well and get it finished finally so you can move on and be well and healed.
Best of luck. You are much more patient than I would be with this situation.
I guess it's just that I've learned that it does no good to get upset when things are out of your control. I would have preferred to have the morning! If we had just been talking about 1 surgeon, it probably could had been sooner...a few weeks maybe. But how fair would it have been to bump someone else's surgery for mine in order to schedule it with two surgeons? I wouldn't had like being on the other end of that scenerio. So...I wait. I really do feel bad for my boss and co-workers. I never dreamed that the 7 weeks I had planned on being off for my TT/thigh lift would drag into 7 months! But...I can honestly say that I am physically unable to work right now so the guilt level isn't too awfully
In the meantime....if people want to help me have something to look forward to in order to make this time go by more quickly..we're open for dinner on most nights! Where do you want to meet at? LOL!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Sherri, I am so glad that the light is at the end of the tunnel. I know it has been a long and not always good road for you and your family. It is a shame that it is going to be so long but there is a reason for it. I know that God has some reason for all that happens. My prayers continue for both you and your family and also for the doctors. I send you lots of hugs and love. Hope that you can feel it through cyberspace.
Thanks Brenda! Isn't it wonderful how well you can feel cyberspace love??? That's what makes this a terrific place to be at!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Thanks Jenny..I appreciate it. I'm sure the time will pass fairly quick. I know the last month sure has!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway... did notice it is March 3rd....NOT February 3rd. We've got a good month to wait. But...that isn't to say that we can't get together a few times before then! LOL!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
WOW!! I am happy that you at least have a date, but I am not too sure that I would be as patient as you on waiting another month after all that you have been through! I know that the time will fly by, but I also know that you are anxiously awaiting this so that you can move forward on your journey!
Will be keeping you in my continued thoughts and prayers! I would love to get together but I swear I keep fighting off some BUGS from all of the kiddos at school! I am greatful that I have taken the flu shot, but it keeps coming on in small doses! Hopefully I will stay as healthy as possible and not have to be off- but- I don't want to get anyone else sick either!
I have been working alot of hours trying to get everything ready for me to fly solo on this newly vamped program, and this is the final week with my helper for the month! After all calms down, may be we can hook up and have lunch or dinner- lunch is probably easier with all of the hours that I have been there! Not really sure what time I leave in the evenings anymore-LOL!
Hope you are up and about and feeling better yourself, keep taking it easy and good job on conquering all of the sudoku! I enjoy them myself, but haven't found much time to enjoy any thing of the sorts, lately!
Hugz Dawn