Help talking to husband
I know this is going to sound sort of rude but I didn't care what my husband thought. I did this for me and not him. I told him what I was going to do and I started tht process. I was 29 YO with 3 children under 4 and I was already dying with health problems in the 10 years we were married it was ridiculous on the medical problems. I would look at my mom (who is very large) and see me that wasn't going to be me. I don't think he knew that the outcome could've been bad until a couple of months after surgery he was looking through the notebook beside our computer that has all the user id 's and passwords for the different sites and he found a couple of letters I wrote "just in case". It shook him up but like he said better to have done it before my health got worse and it was too late and I still had time on my side.
Tina Mom of 3 luvbugs *Myra 6/14/02*Grayce 8/25/03*Quaid 4/27/05