Need some encouragement
Maddie~ OMG gal...I felt the same way you do....DO NOT GET ALL IN A TIZZY!!!! I also can eat anything...have had no problems....the thing is.....INCHES! I am POSITIVE that if you measure yourself you will definately see a difference! Also...there are days when you don't lose anything...its your body catching up to the changes...don't give up....maybe not losing weight but I know you are losing inches...wait another 2 will definately see some changes! I DID...I was so BIG it took awhile for me to see changes...I am 14 weeks out of surgery and I am down 77 - 75 pounds....depends some days down 75 some 77....and I am down 26 inches....sooooooooooooo Think of this....can you eat and eat and eat?????? I doubt it...I am sure you will be a hurting puppy if you eat over the amount you are suppose to eat...I thought I could eat and eat too...but NOPE...there is a stopping point! SOOOOOOOO HANG IN THERE....KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK...and be proud you have lost 45 pounds in this short amount of time! YOU are doing fine!!!!!!!!! Keep walking and sipping and get the protein in first! huggggggggggs Janene
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

are you kidding me 45 lbs in 4 weeks is good. and you will have slow downs like this its your bodies way of catching up. now dependsing on your cycle and if you have had them in the past of they are just comming back it might be there i know i gain a pound when its my time of the month but boy as soon as its over i drop like 5 pounds in 2 days. hun it took me 6-7 months before i could look in a miror and see a difference. only because i seen me daily and didnt notice the changes tho i knew they was happening.. if you are really worried get back to the basics sip, walk, protain, and if you are really worried get ahold of the nuts and talk to them about it they are awsome.. good luck
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...