Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Well I am new and still learning but I take it we just talk about our day on this thread. I got my daughter ( Dara 14) off to school this morning. We had about an inch of snow but no delay, darn it! We live down a very long lane in the country so I have to drive her to the end each morning. I am afraid somene will snatch her. Then I came back and snuggled with Wade (5 yr old son). He is coming down with a cold and coughing pretty bad. When Dara gets off the bus I have to take my Dad to the Dr. While I am out I am going to stop at CVS and get some Sudacare refills for my plug ins so that I can put them in Wade's room tonight. As soon as we get home it will be time to throw some supper on the stove. Thank GOD for leftovers! Then I have to clean up real quick and be ready for American Idol!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
How is everyone this fine day? We had snow, yes lucky you LaChelle that you didn't have to go out in it...this is my next to last day of training for my job, so only one more day of travel to scottsburg....which is AWESOME!!! I am hoping that I don't have to ever take training like this again LOL
I'm feeling good...wearing a quite comfortalble size 16 today...YAY ME lol....new clothes cause all my 18's and 20's were falling off me... weighing in at 196 right now...and looking to continue that down as the weeks proceed! Hope everyone is doing well.... Janene, haven't heard from you in like FOREVER...call me girl LaChelle, we MUST get together soon....AND for everyone else, I enjoyed the end of the clothing exchange, next time I'll get there when it starts! lol...I have GOBS of clothes to bring again already! hugs, Jen
I'm a size 10, and I feel AWESOME!