
(deactivated member)
on 1/21/08 7:26 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Good morning! I hope you all have a good, warm day in store for you. I'm just sitting here at the computer eating my Special K Protein Plus. I am a cereal junkie, and that's about the only one left that doesn't make me sick. It only has 2g sugar in it, and 10g protein. So it's my morning fix.  I weighed in at 158 this morning. I have been wavering between 157-160 for the last 2 weeks. How frustrating. I just want to get down to my goal. But I know I'm not supposed to be losing fast at this point. It would just be nice if I could get there. 
LaChelle R.
on 1/21/08 7:44 pm - Erie, PA
Morning all!  We have a wonderful "white" morning outside with about an inch of snow on the ground. With that being said, the girls are on a 2 hour delay again this morning.  They were hoping that they wouldn't have to go at all, but 2 hours is better than nothing. LOL Not much planned here today, just cleaning and stuff like that. Have a great day all!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jenny K.
on 1/21/08 8:34 pm - IN
Good morning all!  I got some snow as well last night.  Not as much as I was hoping for but oh well.  Nothing much going on for me today, just working as usual.  My youngest daughter is sick with her stomach. I dont know what is going on with her, she almost sounds like I did when I was having my ulcer pain.  If she is still hurting today I am going to get her to a doc. Well everyone have a good day and try to stay war, Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

Gail O.
on 1/21/08 9:03 pm, edited 1/22/08 1:02 am - indianapolis, IN

Morning All, Well I weight myself this morning I gained 2.5 pounds. I need to get to gym ASAP. I  cant fail and gain weight back. I have failed at so much but losing is something I cant fail. I just cant I havent ate differenly and I walk with weights and 30 minutes of exercises. I do not know why I gained this is my first time gaining and I am frecked out. Enought about me.  hope those getting to work drive carefully. And those at home  KEEP WARM   Love,Hugs and Blessings, Gail

on 1/22/08 9:39 am - Indianapolis, IN


I typically fluxuate +/-4 lbs. As far out as I am, I don't count it as a gain or loss unless I am that at least 3 days in a row. My weight can change just by going to the bathroom so trust me, I'm not going to get excited over a 2.5 lb difference on any given one day. Don't you stress over it either. You're doing what you're suppose to do so just keep it up and you'll be fine! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 1/21/08 9:26 pm - Newburgh, IN
Good Morning. I've been up since err.. 3 am lol. couldnt sleep as everybody saw from my late night post. We have some snow woot woot! doesnt effect my son though, he is in afternoon kindergarten. hmm i ended up waking my son up at 5:30 lol cause i was bored. hubby left for work early because he cant be late (works at toyota) so he left, i woke up, and voila! oh i took the garbage out too this morning, omg we've been using the upstairs garbage pick up, because they kinda owe us for me picking their kiddos up from school, HOWEVER the garbage people decided that one day they would go through the garbage, a**holes lol. so that put an end to that, so we just got our own service but i waited 3 weeks so we'd have a ton of garbage!! guess what? hes got 13 bags of garbage and two garbage cans muwahahaha. that'll learn 'em!
oh well i never said i was an angel........
Brenda R.
on 1/21/08 10:27 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning, all. I am up and got a surprise when I opened my blinds. We have about an inch of snow and it is blowing all over. The temp is about 18. It is suppose to drop this afternoon and by tonight it is going to be about 8. Still much better than it was this past week end. But it is still to cold for me.   I am going to go out in a bit but not for much. I have to get a gallon of milk. I haven't had milk for several days and they have it on sale so I am getting a gallon. Milk prices have gone up so high when I can get it on sale I am there. Since I was taken off calcium I need to get it from something so milk is going to be very important to me.  Other than getting the milk I am staying home today. I am still having some discomfort from passing the pieces of my kidney stone but I just think that this too shall pass. There really is pun there isn't there?  I better get going. I am going to do some housework today but I think it is going to begin when Bill goes to work this afternoon. It helps to keep me occupied while he is gone. I miss him so bad when he leaves. I just wish he was old enough to retire but still has a few years for that. More than likely when that time comes he will drive me nuts and I will want him to get out of the house for a while. Some of us can't be pleased and I have always been one of them!    I will chat later on so everyone have a good day and stay safe and warm.    Bye for now.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


shanna B.
on 1/21/08 11:52 pm, edited 1/22/08 12:16 am - camby, IN
It's tuesday. I don't understand. I had got down to 245 last week.But I have been floating up and down 247-248.since then.I have been going to the gym, yesterday I did 1 mile on the treadmill and 2 miles on the elyptical. I must be retaining water,arrgghh!  I need to break it before then,fri weight club.I have done the faithful PEW. Protein,water, excersise. Nothing yet.Gettign ready to go back to gym to do another couple miles on the elypitcal. BURN that fat! I am little sore, though. No weights today ,ouch. I posted a few pics of Bella barbie cake. Paige at Sweet Seductions in Camby. SHe's amazing! Have a great day, I have to work at 3:00. Need to get movin' Have a great day. Shanna Here's the link. Shanna http://s118.photobucket.com/albums/o90/bellasmom16/?action=v iew¤t=bellasbdayvideo.flv videoblogs012.jpg image by bellasmom16videoblogs002.jpg image by bellasmom16

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


on 1/22/08 9:43 am - Indianapolis, IN
Shanna, Have you measured lately? Muscles are denser than fat so you have probably been gaining muscle big time with all your working out! When that happens, the scales aren't too woo-hoo for you, but the tape measure sure is! I use to measure once a week. It always gave me encouragement when the scales didn't. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 1/22/08 12:06 am
Good morning all We got snow here to The boys started off with a 2 hour delay and now school has been canceled..yahooo for them that makes a 4 day weekend .. Today is my day to clip coupons and make a grocery list i always do it on trash night so my mess goes out. My cousin a nd his daughter spent the afternoon yesterday with me and my boys. He wanted to talk about my surgery. Its nice when someone lets you know how special you are.. Lately i feel so loved..lol Everyone have a good day and stay warm....
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