Doin better
Julie~ Glad you are home and so sorry to hear about the baby being tugs at us mom's when a child is sick...I understand totally about the job issue. It is frustrating...I am looking for a job also.
Congrats on the weight loss! keep up the good work...take care and hope you are up and attem soon!
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
Hi Julie, I haven't been on the website for several days, so didn't realize you had the surgery already. I think that surgery makes us feel really worn out. I still feel like that and I had RNY 12/17. I definitely understand what it's like when babies are sick. It's no fun, but it goes along with mommyhood, huh? It's alot worse when you don't feel good. (((hugs!!))) I hope you're feeling better by now.
I'm glad your weightloss has got another start. I've had problems with that too, it seems. I had gained 29 lbs. in the hospital when they had to pump me full of fluids because of my kidneys not working very well. I had lost all of that plus another 19 lbs. in 2-3 weeks after surgery and haven't been losing much since. I've lost maybe 4 more lbs. but not until the 5th week. So I went about 2 weeks without losing anything. That kind of surprised me since it had only been 5 weeks since surgery.
What happened to your job in Indy? Did you get tired of driving there everyday? It is hard to find jobs right now. Kokomo is hard it seems, because everyone is downsizing or closing.
Good luck on the job hunt!!! You'll find something, you just have to be persistent sometimes, I guess.
Oh, I didn't realize you had your surgery. Last I heard you weren't sure they were going to allow you to have it. I hadn't heard anything sice than. I'm so glad for you! I still have my job in Indy I'm just looking for seomthing closer to home. The drive is wearing me out and I spend around $400/mo in gas. It's ridiculous really. I juste absolutely HATE the commute and will never do that again. :) i am feeling better now, thank you. As well as my daugher. I finally felt good enought o get out Tues for a little while. I even went bowling yesterday. I'm on a league through my chuch and missed the 1st 2 weeks. It was fun but man I was worn out. I'm really surprised I'm not super sore, but so far I'm not. Maybe it'll come later. Don't worry about the slow weigh loss. I also giand 20 lbs after surger and at about 3 week**** a stall and lost nothing for about 2 weeks. That' normal, so don't fret. It'll stat coming off again before you now it. It also took me about 6-8 weeks to start feeling "normal" again and getting my energy back. It'll come. :) Hope you are feling better soon and keep us updated on the lose. Take care!
I'm sorry, I thought you knew. I had my surgery Dec. 17th since I did get my sugar down to a decent count. My surgery went great (about an hour for a revision.....not bad), but it was after the surgery that went bad. My blood pressure was very low (40/17, etc.) and my kidneys weren't functioning very well. They at first thought that it had something to do with the anasthesia and the saddle block they gave me. They were in my room off and on all night that first night and even called the surgeon in the middle of the night. I wasn't feeling any pain yet and was sleeping most of the time. I did hear them call Dr. Huse though. The next day he came in early that morning and the internist came in later that morning and he told the staff to get me to ICU. As soon as I got there they put a port in and pumped in alot of fluids. I went in there Tues. and got out of ICU Thurs. night and went home Friday evening. I looked like a balloon by the time I went home. The kidney dr. told me that I may have to have dialysis for awhile, but he thought he could reverse it. All 4 of the drs. were really surprised that my blood pressure went up and I was able to go to the bathroom finally. That happened by Thurs. morning. Now everything is fine. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that hits a plateau that early and was tired for several weeks. I think I've always been tired, but I hope I'm not so much pretty soon. I'm glad to hear you're doing well. I don't blame you for not wanting to drive to Indy to work everyday. It is tiring I'm sure and the gas is really expensive, so you probably can't make much money that way. I haven't been going to church for quite awhile....usually I'm too tired to get up it seems. Anyway, some people from our church bowls on a Sat. night also. What church do you go to? Ours is Heartland Ministries out on St. Rd. 19 on the way to Tipton. I used to bowl on leagues but about 6 or 7 yrs. ago our team kind of disbanded, so I didn't bowl anymore. A team that I would've loved to have been on asked me to join their team, but I was having some health problems at the time and didn't feel like bowling. Later I messed up my right shoulder and couldn't have bowled if I'd wanted to. I hadn't bowled since I quit the league until last Sept. I wasn't sure if I could, but my shoulder didn't hurt, so it worked out......but boy was I rusty!!! I used to have about a 156 average and my highest game in Sept. was 129, I think. I used to really like to bowl, but I think I was just burned out. Take care Julie and I'm glad you're feeling okay. I don't know if I told you or not, but my weight is down to 175.