's ME on here! Grrr.....
You are SO right! I am so glad to be wound-vac free! I am just hoping really that they don't decide to have me try to work while they are trying to get the count up. I don't think I could make it a full day. If I don't lay down every few hours the hernia really pushes in the skin & the tummy tuck incision and hurts big time.
How are you doing? Are back into the swing of things at work?
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I am doing great. I actually got called in this afternoon, so that helped out with the hours. We were very busy today with it being a holiday. I had to supervise this time, and I don't have a single suit to wear anymore!!! Everything I have is HUGE on me!! We had to safety pin my smallest suit, just so it would stay up! LOL Talk about a sight! Anyway, gotta get to bed. I have to work at the school tomorrow (if it doesn't snow enough to cancel school!), so have a great day.
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Wow, I came on here to see how you were doing and surprise! I hope that they are able to give you some answers tomorrow and that soon you can be on your way! I know that it must have been a little saddening to not have your surgery today as planned, but I do believe everything happens for a reason and may be today wasn't a good time for this new surgery and that you are still needing this additional time. I hope that they get your counts up and are able to find out the reason for the levels being low! I am keeping both you and Bill in my thoughts and prayers! Looking forward to hearing what the docs say tomorrow! Hugz Dawn
Thanks. When they said they were waiting for the CBC results, I kinda suspected the surgery would be delayed so when they came in my room a half hour later and told us, I wasn't surprised. I was alone in there when they drew the blood...but Bill, Tiffany & Rod were all there when the results came back. Since I hadn't said anything about what I suspected, it was Bill that was a little upset by the delay...but mainly because he knew I was looking forward to getting back to normal. The only thing really that is going to upset me about it is if they try to send me back to work with this big lump. I wouldn't be able to make it 4 hours there much less 8. Besides, if the results are so low that they are afraid I'd get an infection, I would think that the less I'm out in public, the less my chances are of getting know? Oh well, we'll see & will deal with that as we get to it.
I am wondering why it's so low too...I really don't know all the things that can make it low. I had sent Melinda (my nut) a note about it all and found out that a folate deficiency can cause low white cell counts. Dr. Gupta had ordered that to be tested yesterday too. I don't know what it's result ended up being.
Well..I'll let you all know what I find out today....
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Thank you. Bill & I just view these little obstacles in life as something that comes along for a reason...and it's not really up to us to know what those reasons are. We aren't highly religeous people but do believe that God knows what he's doing and knows best who will benefit from whatever happens. When I almost died, it scared my son...he grew up to the point that he hasn't drank since. Who else was touched by it (other than myself)? I don't know...but God does. Maybe it was just for my son to realize that I wasn't going to be here forever. Maybe it was so someone on this board could see that surgery IS serious business and you should be very aware of all complications that can happen. Bill views his vision problems in much the same way.
I'm glad you enjoy my posts. I hope I can continue to help people out. I try anyway. I know one thing...Google has become one of my favorite sites! lol. My medical background all stems from my personal experiences...well, other than being a nurses aide and a QMA +20 years ago so when it goes beyond that, Google is called upon!
Stay flexible in all aspects of life. A flexible body makes you physically fit. A flexible mind keeps your mind active (and keeps alzheimer at bay!). A flexible spirit keeps you at peace. A flexible attitude keeps you from being stressed does a flexible schedule. That, I think is the secret to long life...being flexible...
That said, I wasn't too awfully upset when the surgery was postponed...except I wanted a protein drink! It was about 12:30 and I usually have my first AchievOne by 7 am! LOL!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...