Sunday Sunday..

on 1/19/08 5:58 pm - LaGrange, KY
Happy Sunday everyone... Thought since I'm up I'd start this mornings thread. Well I talked to Dr. C bout 9 about all this pain and stuff because it got a lot worse (I was crying the whole way to St Vs and for the first hour I was there it was soo bad).. I just got home from the St V's ER. We drove the 2 hours to Indy and really got home with no  definite answers. The ER doc and Dr C  seem to think  the extreme pain and vomiting and all is because my gtube was toooo far inside (she left it in instead of pulling a lot of it out hoping it would keep the stitches in longer yesterday) .. I don't know thats the only answer because she repositioned it  and all that fun stuff and restitched it again and the pain is back full force and I' m very nauseated all over again. They gave me 2 big doses of pain meds (Dilaudid) and 1 shot of Zofran and 1 Phenergan. The ER doc gave me some fluids to rehydrate me and told me to take my liquid Carafate before eating and also gave me a prescription for Percoset which I haven't got filled yet. The pain is bad but I don't really want to cover up the symptoms and stuff, I NEED to know whats causing them.  Anyways the CT scan showed nooo obstruction or hernias, so thats good I gotta call Monday and they will probally try an get me in for a scope. The pain meds wore off on the way home and soo I'm really hurting again, so I'm gonna try to head to bed now.. I don't think we're gonna make it to Ryans this evening but I sure hope you have a uneventful surgery Sherri and I'm praying that everything goes smoothly and you feel better quickly. Angie - Good luck tomorrow too .. I think I'm heading to bed!! Gnite
on 1/19/08 9:25 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Wow Misty, I sure hope you are feeling better this morning! Don't worry about not coming to Ryan's, there will be lots of other opportunities to get together. You just take care of yourself girl! I hope Dr. C can get you some answers...& relief soon. In the meantime, she knows there is an issue so take your meds. Often, you can make things alot worse by not taking pain meds. I know while I was at Seton, if they got me the vicodin when I asked for it, I'd be fine. If they didn' time I had to wait 1.5 took a shot of morphine to give me any relief. So take your meds. It'll keep everything from clenching up and making things worse. Trust that Dr. C knows what she's doing by ordering the meds for you...ok? Did you know that it was Dr. C who saved my life? Dr. Gupta was out of town when I was rushed to the ER. The CT scan showed that there was an issue with the intestines. It was Dr. C who opened me up and saw how bad the intestines were. She was the one who induced the coma. The next day, she was the one that checked every millimeter of the many meters of intestines to be sure that they got their blood supply back and that there weren't any blockages. Dr. C was the one who monitored me that first few well as my family...through the intestines, blood clots, dropped bp (50/30), loss of blood..and therefore a blood transfusion (7.5 pints). When Dr. Gupta got back into town, she took over my care and also did a terrific job..but those first few days....the scariest ones for my husband and was Dr. C who saved my life and gave them hope and encouragement...and yet, straight talk on my condition. So hon...I say it with all the sincerity I can, trust Dr. C to make the right decisions for you. If she says 'take percoset', take it. Get some rest. Get your body some rest. huggs..... Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 1/20/08 3:47 am - LaGrange, KY
Thanks! I do trust Dr. C and I know that shes very frustrated too because she wants answers. Friday she was so excited about how overall I've been doing better. My labs were crappy but the nausea and stuff was improving and stuff.. When I talked to her last night it was like a whole different person. She said she just didn't understand how things got sooo crazy bad soo fast. I'm just really exhausted. I was awake every 30-60 mins last night after we got home because the contrast made me end up running to the toilet every few minutes and made me feel really sick too. I haven't done so great with fluids today because theres still a lot of pain when I drink. I'm gonna tube feed too because I took a bite of Rich's food earlier and had to run because it made me sick PLUS it hurt so bad. I know things are gonna get better. It's just frustrating that they have improved soo much and now I feel like I'm taking steps backwards.
Brenda R.
on 1/19/08 10:33 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning, all. I hope that this finds everyone safe and warm. Misty, I hope that you are feeling better soon. You have most certainly had your dose of enough. I am sorry that you have to go through all of this crap. My thoughts and prayers are with you all of the time. Just make sure you keep getting your rest when you can and don't forget to sip, sip and sip some more. You can't afford to get dehydrated again. If you can't keep water down then suck on ice cubes because you absorb them throught he roof of your mouth. If there is anything I can do just holler.  Sherri, I am sorry that I don't live closer to all of you to be able to join you at Ryan's this evening. That is one of the things that makes me nuts. I live to far away from all of you. Maybe sometime I might surprise everyone and just show up. That is if DH will drive. My aunt always told me that she envied the way I got in the car and just drove where to I wanted to. She said that she was to afraid to do that. Now I know what she meant  by that. I am afraid now and only get in the car to go to where I know. I guess that is another thing that comes with age. Maybe it is called wisdom?! lol   Bill and I got a lot accomplished yesterday. We got all the cabinets done and the stove and refridgerator cleaned and the floor swept and mopped. We even got a load of dishes washed and put away too. I was really surprised by what we got done. I cleaned off the counters and went through things and got rid of a lot of things too. I have a SMALL kitchen and when someting is out of place the whole things looks messy. That is one of the things I hate about the kitchen. Now I am glad that it is done and can wipe the kitchen off my list of so many things to do. Now I don't have a gazillion and one things to do only a gazillion!!!   Today is another Sunday that I am not going to church. It is -4 out there and I am just not going out again today. My heart doctor told me that I am not to go out if I stick my head out and say it's to hot or to cold. I told him that he doesn't want me going out much did he? We all know that in Indiana it is either hot or cold and very rarely anything in between.  Now a days I mostly just always cold but then most of us know that feeling don't we?  Not to much is planned today. I think that we might just enjoy the day and each other. I know that the week ends seem to go by so fast and I end up wishing that Bill and I had spent more time doing things that we wanted to. Today seems to be a good day to sit and watch movies. I am having some discomfort from the kidney stone. So that sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day.  I am going to go now. I went on enough. I will chat with you all later on. I send love and hugs to all. Stay safe and warm wherever you are.    Bye for now. 

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Gail O.
on 1/20/08 1:04 am - indianapolis, IN
Good Morning All, Misty, so sorry that you are having such a terrible time, hope you know you can call me any time. I sure pray that pain goes away soon and your Dr finds out whats going on, Keep us posted. Love ya and try to get some Bigs Hugs & Lots of Blessings Gail 
on 1/20/08 3:31 am
Good afternoon everyone Omg is it cold outside today is family day we are doing nothing. Yesterday went appliance shopping i love those new washers does 3 loads at one time.awesome went to lowes they had a 50% offf section got tray tables wooden 2 for 5   i got alot of stuff felt like christmas..i love it so today Im makin a big pot of chili and we are watchin movies. I need tobe cleaning but instead im makin alist of todos. Misty i hope you feel better soon. Sherry enjoy your dinner brenda i need your energy or to hire you as my maid  lol everyone else stay warm and cozy and enjoy the rest of your weekend
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