Set Back...Big time.
Ok...I am asking for help. My Dh and I had an arguement at the gym a little bit ago. It was stupid, bella had an accident and i thought he was being a jerk so we argued. (in the gym) I am so embarressed. I do not want to go back. Help...I already hate going but know I have to.
So we argued all the way home. I cam home crying, sobbing. I never thought I was emotional eater. Usually I can't eat when I am upset...But all I thought about was that stupid barbie cake and making myself ick. I knew that would do it for sure. I ate (or tried to) 2 huge pieces, and yes half way throught the second piece it made me sick. All I could think was I have to get this out of me. I went into the bathroom and threw it up. I did not want that sugar in my system. I need help. Now I feel ashamed and sick and really diapointed in myself for getting supset. WTF was I thinking. STUPID STUPID STUPID.
It's been an hour or so. My head is pounding and i need to go back and walk it off, but I do not want to go back. I am soooo embarressed!
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
You came to the right place. We have ALL done something that we are not proud of. It looks to me you already realize the problem. Hold your head up highh, go back to the gym with a smile on your face and no one will remember. It takes a long time to get over being an emotional eater. Just keep trying. I am still working on it and I am over 3 years out. Our journey never ends!
I think you just cured yourself from ever wanting a Barbie cake again! lol. Just think back to how sick it made you whenever you are tempted. And certainly do not beat yourself up over it. Your tummy already did that...don't let your brain do it too!
As to the gym...they, I am quite sure, have all gotten into embarassing spots at some point in their life! If they haven't, they just haven't matured enough yet to have a spouse or kids...and when you have both, tempers tend to flare because we are more pationate when someone we care about is involved. So..... you go back into that gym and don't even give that arguement another thought! Well..not THEIR reaction to it anyway. If you behave in a way that the arguement is over, done & in the will they. Funny..usually that applies to the one you argued with too.
I do hope you'll be able to come tomorrow night. I'll be terrific seeing you again...even if there is no Barbie cake there
. Hmmm...but there usually is sugar-free cookies and 'no sugar added' apple pie. Yep...I'm teasing you about the cake. Laugh about it! Humor is the BEST way to let something like that go...just do a 'wow, could of have a V-8' moment and go on!

Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Be very careful about that. That is, eating things you ought not too, and then throwing up to get them out of you. It's not a good thing to get started on, because it can become a habit. You do it often enough, and it could turn into bulimia.
As for the gym,.. do go back. Probably you will remember the scene longer than anyone else will. Going back and just acting normal is probably the quickest way to move on and move forward.
Good luck,
Thanks evrybody,
I am never doing that again. I have had a massive headache and my eyes are bloodshot and my head is spotted with broken bloodvessels. My dh and I are good and all is forgiven. Yeah, great way of curing me of wanting something. THROW IT UP>>> to this day I can not eat chimichangas from morning sickness 16 years ago. I can not even look at that cake.
See ya tmmorrow night. Shanna
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
hang in there and just remember not every day is perfect and everyone messes up once or twice but we just learn from them mistakes...maybe you should try other things when you are frusterated i usually sit at the kitchen table and write my name over and over then i see which handwritting i like best-well good luck and think positive dont down yourself for your mistake!