Anthem Insurance
I have Anthem.. 3 years ago I sent them via, signed reciept, registered mail, a folder with every weight loss program I have ever tried listed. My notes from Dr Piatec and his weight loss program.. (which by the way is good..just didnt do much for me.. Drugs and I dont get along..)
about 10 days later I had my surgery date and was waiting to see Dr Cacucci in the operating room a total of 6 weeks.. Which gave me time to do the preop stuff, tests and classes and get my life and home in order before surgery and my drastic life change.
Best of luck to you I hear they are really looking at the paperwork now.
Linda Kay
i work for anthem and also have the insurance . it was easy to get approved.
if your bmi is 35+ with comorbids like high blood pressure or other thing , or 40+ with nothing and you have 6 months of diet history like from your pcp. ob or other docs, go to the siminar(sp) meet with doc, get your phyc eval and then you pretty much have it. it is taking about 4-6 weeks right now because it is the busy time of year but that will get better real soon. if you need a copy of the anthem medical polisy let me know at [email protected] with your fax number or address and i can get it to you.
good luck
hmmm, I am a state employee as well, so I have Anthem too. I start my 6 month diet Jan. 31st, I hope I can get approved in 3 months, but anthem is not bad at all. All of the customer services reps are extremely helpful, and answer all of my questions. After I get done with this diet, I have the feeling, I'll be approved in no time.
Thanks. My BMI is 42. I am just worried about the 6 months of "dr. supervisored diet" I have a pretty extensive list of my diets and their results ( weigh****chers, etc) but they were never dr. supervised. Sounds like if that is an issue I can start the deit now and just reapply in a few months.
Where is the insurance section? I am having problems navigating around the forum.