Im alive, but still in hosptial on my laptop

on 1/17/08 10:10 am - IN
i finally feel like typinng.  Morophine did NOTHING for me, massive amounts of pain.  i dont recall what im on now.  I m so tired and have delevoped a HIGH fever of 101.8 and tghey are trying to bring it down.  i am not showing anhy infections though,  dr murphy plans to send me home tomorrow eveing with more antibiotics.  mY son is not doing well with no mommy at home DH says  they did visit today.  i will type mjore maybe later.  no regrets at all.  it will be worth it in the end.  imdrinking very well, no discomfort..
on 1/17/08 10:21 am - LaGrange, KY
I'm glad you are doing okay Sarah, thanks for updating us!!
Brenda R.
on 1/17/08 10:33 am - Portage, IN
Hi Sarah. I am keeping you in my prayers that things are going to turn around for you soon. Did you have your surgery open or lap? I am praying that the antibiotic helps. Please remember to keep resting when you get home. Take care of yourself and keep us posted on how you are feeling.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Jenny K.
on 1/17/08 11:56 pm - IN
Glad you are doing well Sarah.  You will soon be feeling better than ever.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

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