that was a long drive to indy in pain--
well i went to indy my hubby took me and that was the longest trip ever i was in soo much pain it was unreal-we finally get there i go into the er they knew i was coming so was prepared for me-they got me in a room stuck me several times to get blood and start a iv-oh they were so nice there they gave me a shot of morphine and something for nausea too through the iv which really helped to a extent-they did a cat scan i had to drink 2 ounces of orange sweet stuff that came back ok so they admit me up to bariatric floor (they were crowded up there to) they gave me 4 bags fluid-1 bag of bannana juice? she said it was vitamins but called it bannana juice because it was yellow-1 bag of potassium and something else for stomach next day dr evanson did my scope he said my ulcer grew from 6 mm to 10 mm and was bleeding so therefore he said he wants to redo a scope in 2 months and go from there? im home feeling better got slight headache but okay-
Height: 5'7"