Thank you! I will definately check out Dr. Childers! Dr. Brooks is nice enough. She's young and hasn't been practicing long...which I had thought of as a plus since she's up-to-date on all the latest & greatest. Her weight loss program really is suppose to be very beneficial to people and for that (and JUST for that), I would recommend her to anyone.
If I had to just choose one dissatisfaction, I guess it would be that she didn't care enough to stop in my room a single time while I was a patient there. The dietician's office even came up to see me when they heard I was there! Her not following up properly on my meds wasn't too good either though.
I wasn't diagnosed with my thyroid until about 3 months post-op. Here it is 3 years later and it still gets screwy on me. Last summer, we (me & the Endocrinogist) thought we'd be able to go 3 months between checks and about half-way through it, I had my regular physical at work. They do the entire blood check when they do a physical there. Yep, my TSH was screwy...again! The employee health services (EHS) called me and told me to set up an appointment asap with my doc. And that was only about 5-6 weeks after my last endocrinologist appointment. So...I was put back to having it checked every 6 weeks. Because of all this fun stuff with my belly, I will have gone about 6 months between appointments. It should be interesting to see my results then. While I was at Seton, they checked it...and adjust it...once a week. I takes 4-6 weeks for you to stabalize after a change. But that goes along with the coumadin too...they checked & adjusted daily and it takes at least 3 days for your body to stabalize after a change with it!
When I was pre-op, my body was responsive toward meds pretty much the same way every time. If it took two laxatives to help me go in January, it took two in August. If it took 4 Tylenol to get rid of a migraine in June, it took 4 tylenol to get rid of a migraine in February. Since being post-op though??? We just never know how my body is going to react to stuff. Really, those daily coumadin draws should have showed Dr. Brooks that even if she didn't learn that lesson with my thyroid results (oh..she also didn't realize synthroid came in 137 mcg dose either. She'd have me on 125..test me, too low....up me to 150...test me..too high...put me back on 125...test me...too low...then yep, back on 150 to repeat the process! My body now however does need 150..for now anyway but has been anywhere between 100-175 mcg ). With the coumadin, Dr. Brooks had me on between 2-3.5 mg...tested daily but not many dosage adjustments even though my results were mainly at 1.1-1.2 (although I did have one screwy one at 3.2..that even the visiting nurse thinks was a absorption issue). I am suppose to be at 2.0-3.0. With the Hemophillia Center, I'm at 8.0 mg now and my P/I results are usually 1.7-1.8. I did have two checks that were over 2.0 (2.0. 2.2) so aparently those days my body decided to asorb more of the med than at the other times.
So...guess what I'm saying is that some people, like Linda Kay, doesn't have any asorbtion issues at all when they are post-op (lucky duck!

). Others however, like me, can't depend on their body to asorb the same thing the same way two times in a row. So just be aware that when you are post-op that your body may take a little bit to get use to and you may need some things checked more often than least until you see how your body is going to be. I know someone who had to switch from the birth control pill to the shot because her body wouldn't asorb the pill right.
Thanks again for Dr. Childer's info!