Good Tuesday Morning!
Today's the day the staples come out!!! Yippie! I went to the training center last night to see if I would have any trouble bending over the dice table when I go back to work, and not a single bit of trouble!!! I can reach every spot, where before I couldn't! I am so excited, I hope and pray I get to go back to work today. I am so ready!
Molly is already up and dressed for school. She is wearing a skort and a t-shirt. She wanted to wear pants, because it is only 17 degrees here this morning, but she knew that she couldn't get them on over her cast. So, we had to settle for the skort. At least she will be carrying a blanket to cover her legs at school.
Have a great day all! TTYL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Well... It's another morning. I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning! Just wanted to stay there, and sleep in. No such luck. Have to go to work today.
I have to confess to keep myself honest. I have been cheating lately. I have found though that if I do, I don't get the classic description of dumping, with the diarrhea, but I do get very tired and shaky. I'm wondering if that's symptoms of hypoglycemia. Last time I cheated was Sunday morning, with some Cocoa Puffs. I was knocked out for 3 more hours and shaking up a storm. That's enough to keep me away from Puffs for awhile! I just need to follow my basics.
7 days to go...Oh how I wi**** were Sunday night and I was driving to Indiana. I'm SOOO ready to have this over and done. I'm very anxious and nervous about the pain after surgery. I asked Dr Inman's nurse if I could request to have it open instead of lap or if it was too late--she said Dr Inman normally doesn't do open unless absolutely necessary. I was thinking that one or two wounds to heal was better that 5 or 6 but I guess I'll find out in the recovery room. I'm still really nervous about the trach---I've tried to put my finger on my throat where I think it will be just to imagine it but yeah that really didn't give me any kind of idea about what it's going to be like. I'm still praying that they can remove the trach before I leave the hospital. I have to confess that I haven't been using my spirometer (SP) like I should but I have but since I have this horrible sinus infection it just makes my pain so much more intense when I do. I've had a headache for a week now and using it doesn't help. But I do try to do it a couple times a day but not 10 times each time. I'm hoping I won't have any added pain or stress because of not using it. I'm hoping my husband comes home either tomorrrow or Thursday I'm missing him terribly. He said for a funeral it was beautiful and his mother was laid to rest just like he hopped for. He's so brave, he is trying so hard to be strong for his dad and brothers. He's my rock and I don't know what I'd ever do without him. When I first told my dad that I was going to marry him he told me "Angie, I always told you there's someone out there for everyone and Walter will be your rock." Oh how right he was. Well I'm off to another lonely day without him and getting more anxious as the hours pass. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!
I'd choose lap over open ANY day. The lap incisions are only ~a inch apiece. The only one that anyone usually complains about is the one on the left...right under the ribcage. People's pain tollerence is different but I really do believe you will be in ALOT less discomfort with the lap than a long open incision. Oh..and do try to use your spirometer. The more you use it, the less likely you are to have complications like pnumonia. You want your lungs as strong as they can be before you go into surgery!
When you are up and walking the evening of your surgery..and you will be, trust me.....ask the nurse which room I'm in. My surgery to fix up my hernia & close my tummy up is going to b on Monday...the 21st. I'll have the long incision..and really do wi**** was a lap but it'd be a little impossible to do all they need to do with a lap. But...I do plan to be up and walking as much as possible too!
That whole trach thing would concern me too. Just have faith that Dr. Inman knows exactly what she's doing. And I believe she does! She definately has her own fan club here on this board. You are in terrific hands!
Good luck next week!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Good morning!
My appointment with Dr. Gupta went great yesterday. Now to just wait for next Monday!! I guess I didn't really understand what a hernia was until we were discussing the surgery. I guess in my mind it was kinda like a growth or something instead of the intestines pushing through an opening...and they just need to be tucked back where they belong and the opening closed up or blocked. I still don't understand why they were waiting for the wound incision to heal up as much as possible before doing this since they are going to be cutting it back open to install the mesh (that will hold the intestines where they are suppose to be). I won't have a huge nasty scar there like it's trying to form now. Instead, I'll just have a thin incision line going from my breast bone to my pelvis. It's going to take some creative thinking to make a swim suit look good between it and the thigh lift scars! LOL! Today, I'm going to call KCI and have them come pick up their wound-vac. YAY!!!!
Linda, that does sound like the start of hypoglycemia to me. The condensed description of hypoglycemia for someone who has had a RNY (curtesy of my endocrinologist..who does view hypoglycemia as a RNY 'complication' or 'side effect'..he's used both terms with me.) is that when we eat carbs (that turn into sugars) or sugars, our brain signals our body to make insulin. Since we've had an RNY though, we don't get in that much sugar since we can't eat that much...but it is enough to signal the body to make the insulin anyway. The body makes what it thinks is the right amount...but is WAY too much insulin for what we are actually able to eat. And so..with the excess insulin in our system, our sugar levels plummet. The best thing to do is avoid the things that cause this. With me though, it was things that never gave me a problem before that would affect me...a few potato slivers in vegetable soup, an ear of corn, a ravioli. If you still have your glucose meter (if you had one), check your sugar if you start feeling like that again. I keep glucose tablets with me all time..and no, they don't cause me any problems. If you start having problems with any carbs (not just coco puffs), loop your dietician in on the problem. She can help give you dietary suggestions (like what carbs to avoid..carbs break down into sugars but at a different rate depending on if they are a good carb which breaks down slowly or a not-so-good one). In the meantime, avoid the coco puffs..cause you'd me ku-ku to eat
LaChelle...good luck getting your release today to return to work. You'd think that after 4 months, I'd be anxious to return to work but I guess I'm a little concerned that I'm going to have problems getting back into the swing of things. When I popped in there last week, my boss wanted to fill me in on some of the changes he made to some of my equipment and I really could have cared less. Once my belly is fixed up though and I actually feel 'good', I hope I'll care more then.
I'll let you all know when I hear more about Floyd.
You all have a good day today!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Good Day Everyone,
Hanging around the house today waiting for the much anticipated phone call from Dr Sutton's office on what the pathology report about the removed mass will say. So much riding on this dang report and waiting for it since my surgery last week has been emotionally draining. Let it be good news *crossingfingersandtoes*
Took the boys (aka the dogs) to get groomed this morning. Pick them up later this afternoon. Quinntin has figured out how to grab things from out of our hands and fling them across the room. He thinks it's absolutely hallarious! He also last night figured out how to make splashes in his bathwater and was seriously cracking himself up to the point of hic-ups. Gosh he is growing so fast. Jeez. Gage started wrestling practice with his school and is seriously sore from all the training and such. He's also doing basketball with the Special Olympics. We have a big huge basketball tourneyment in Crawfordsville at the Wabash College this coming Saturday. So if no one is busy and has nothing to do - here's an open invite to come on down and watch.
Got my order of wedding invitations the other day. I shorted myself and now I'm on the hunt to find one more box of the invitations because Walmart doesn't carry them online anymore. So if anyone is at a Walmart in the next week or so and could possibly check out the clearance isle for a box of "Save The Date Magnet" invitations by EK Success and could pick me up a box of them I would greatly greatly greatly greatly (did I mention GREATLY?) overly appreciate it big time. I can't believe I shorted myself.. jeez. Also those of you who I got addresses from for my babyshower should be expecting a wedding invite - but if anyone else would like a wedding invite please pm me and let me know. I'm on a very limited budget so I can only send invites to those interested in coming. I wish I could send invites to everyone but... dang budget!. Anyways - with what invitations I do have I'll start printing those out today as well as getting somethings for the wedding organzied. Two more weeks we go dress shopping. While overwhelming when I sit and think about what all I have to do it is exciting at the same time. I did find a cool site that helps with the organization thing and sends me email reminders of when certain things have to be done. Like today I got an email that I need to do a taste test and contract my caterer by the end of Feb.
Anwyas - hanging out with Q doing wedding things and waiting for that phone call. Hope everyone has a good day.
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
LaChelle - I hope that you get to go back to work too for your sake !! Be careful those kentucky drivers are crazy hehe..
Linda - Sounds like hypoglycemia to me too.. I've had a few bouts of it and it's just awful. I was driving the other day and it just plummetted on me and so I pulled over grabbed my meter (I have a keychain sized one I carry in my purse) checked my sugar and it was 49. I had nooo clue it was so low. I popped a glucose tab and rechecked before I left the parking lot and it was up to 70ish which I was feeling a lil better just really tired.
Sherri - I'm so glad your appointment went well today!!! (( HUGS ))
Angie - I would be nervous bout the trach as well. You'll be just fine though.
Jodi - I'm praying that you get some answers soon. :)
Soo I am just wore out... I probally won't be round a whole lot today because I NEED to get some packing done and I've been slacking on it. I want to have everything other than clothes and dishes and stuff that we need packed by the end of the week. Oh yea I'm gonna be freecycling a bunch more stuff here soon too because I never realized how much JUNK we have that we won't use. It's crazy!!!! I've kept most of it because it was given to us as wedding gifts but I just don't want to lug them again for another move and our apartment is kinda small and so I don't want all this stuff to clutter it up.
I'm debating or confused what to do as far as all these kids toys I have. I need to keep some for my niece when shes here and Rich's friends lil girl but a lot of them are stuffed animals and I'm really tired of looking at them. When I was working at Walmart Rich and I used to be hooked on the Time To Win Claw machines and it gives you like a minute for 1.00 and you could get as many stuffed animals as you picked up in that time and I mastered that game and used to get 4-5 in a claw at a time. I'd come home with full walmart bags of these things for 1-2.00. It's time to get rid of some things.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to get the swelling and stuff down on my arm?? I have put ice on it and it's not really showing much difference. I had my labs drawn yesterday and I think the tech hit something while she was digging around because I have a HUGE lump thats bout 4-5 inches long and 2 inches wide from the bend of my elbow where she got the blood down. It's very sore though and I can't bend my arm or anything without pain.
Good morning. I hope that everyone is having a good day today.
I am just trying to stay warm today. It seems so cold but I guess this weekend is going to be worse. I heard that on Saturday the high is going to be 4. I just can't wait and I think I will be staying in the house that day for sure. I can't take the cold anymore. I use to be the queen of hot flashes but that is thing of the pass now!
I had to go into the church yesterday because I got a call that we were robbed again on Sunday night. That is the 2nd time since March of last year. This time they didn't break the safe because it is so strong they tried to carry it out but couldn't make it past 3 feet out of the office. They got only $7.00 so that is better than last time. There have been church robberies around the area for the past year or so. They can't seem to get them because they never leave fingerprints or anything. We are now going to look into a alarm system which I mentioned last year but got pooh poohed then. Oh well, the important thing is that no one got hurt. I just wish they would find these people. It is sad when people have to steal from a church or do damage to cemeterys. I think those are the worst things people can do. Is nothing sacred anymore to some?
I am going to the Y to do my workout but then I think I am coming home right afterward. I am just not in the mood to go anywhere. I was so tired on Sunday that I couldn't even go to church. I think the kidney stone blasting did me in more than I thought. I am glad that it's over and things seem to be going fine with that.
I better get going. Hope you all have a good day and stay warm and safe. TTFN all.

Good day y'all!
Well I have been checking out the newspaper online for a house to rent...I think I found one...hope to see it tonight.
Lachelle...hope you are back to work soon...I am boed outta my gourd...I am so ready to be back to jus thave to find a job! LOL
Jo...good luck on your results...hope you hear something early on today...the wait is always an anxious time
Sherri....great news about sending the wound vac back! wooohoooo
Angie...girlfriend...hang in there..only one more week and you will be on the best road trip of your life! Glad your hubby will be home soon...I will definately be there surgery night! Don't forget to email me your sisters number..and give her my number!
Hope all of y'all have great days and be safe! Keep that smile on your face!
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."