Wow! Sounds like you have ALOT going on in your life. I have the Plateau Buster on my profile. But...it sounds to me that it is getting back to basics that you need more than anything else. Yeah...that old PEW (protein exercise water) that I'm always preaching about.
Here's a few suggestions off the top of my head that may help:
1. Get rid of all the breads & sweets in your house unless they are low cal (I get wheat bread that is 35 cal a slice) or sugar-free. Get low fat crackers.
2. Stock your fridge with healthy snacks..fruit, celery, carrots. Don't like them plain? Get fat-free dip..we like Kroger's brand.
3. Pack your meals & snacks and bring them with you. Lean Cuisine/Gormet has some excellent 'meals'. If you have your meals & snacks with you, you are less likely to buy that bag of chips from the vending machine. Which reminds me...leave all of your change and $1's at home. People are alot less likely to stick a $5 bill in a vending machine for a bag of Dorito's.
4. Say no to pop, say no to caffiene. Water is the healthiest drink around! Get at a MINIMUM of 64 oz in per day. I keep 25 oz bottles in the fridge..the kind with the pop-top so I don't have to mess with a screw-top lid. I like our tap water if it's COLD...so I just refill the same bottles and stick them in the fridge. I typically drink 5 of them a day (125 oz).
5. Become a label reader. Do not buy ANYTHING unless you look at it's label & it's competitor's label(s). Stick the one in your cart that has the lowest calories. Often, it really IS the one that is 'fat-free'...sometimes, it's the 'low carb' or 'sugar-free' one. So read the labels.
6. Contact your dietician. Ask her for a guideline for you for how many calories (probably 1000-1200), fat (~less than 30 g), protein (~55-80 g), and carbs (+100 g with at least 30g of fiber....which is non-digestible carbs..make these 'good' carbs though. Remember to go darker..yams are better than potatoes, brown rice is better than white, whole wheat pasta is better than white.).
7. Be accountable. I have a strong preference toward SparkPeople.com for this. You can set your goals there, including your weigh****er, and all of your nutritional & exercise goals. It can recommend menu's & exercise (and it has demo's on how to do the exercises properly) or just track what you eat & drink and your exercise. There's an educational section for mind/body/and soul to help you with every aspect of weight loss. There's also community type pages (message boards, email, etc). Once you get your personal profile set up in there, it's pretty easy to use...so I would recommend it even for a busy gal like yourself.
Oprah had a guy on yesterday that is promoting weight loss by changing your lifestyle. Hmmm...sound familiar? I've been trying to get that message out. During the honeymoon stage, it is SO easy to lose weight. After that first year though, if you hadn't made some lifestyle changes, you will regain it. You just have to take charge of your (eating) life, that's all. You can make it easier on yourself just by tweaking what you bring in the house to eat. Eating at 9 at night probably isn't as big of an issue as what you are eating. Make a lifestyle change that dictates that meals eaten after 6 pm will only contain meat and vegetables. No carbs. Also, keep those meats high in protein (fish, seafood) and low in fat (beef) as much as possible. I try to limit my beef to being sure that I don't have it 2 days in a row. In fact..usually, it's once a week, maybe twice. Be aware of those hidden calories (condiments, salad dressing, etc).
You CAN do it! You still have your weight loss tool..it's just a matter of using it again. You may want to track a normal day or two in SparkPeople...and then start making your changes. It will help you to see where you can do better. I know there were foods I went cold turkey on when I saw how much fat I was putting in my body. I can see where with your busy lifestyle it would be hard to fit exersice in. Sneak it in. Park in the furthest parking spot rather than the closest. Every step more that you get in next week than what you would had last week, is an improvement!
Remember, you aren't alone in this. People who are trying to lose weight statistically lose more weight when they have a good support system in place. You have it here!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...