I think the G-tube is most definitely coming out this week...

on 1/14/08 5:33 am - LaGrange, KY
I called Dr. C's office today and left a message for Marta because that good stitch broke through the skin and the one thats not soo good is pulling bad. The tube is trying to go into my stomach completely again and the only thing somewhat stabilizing it is tape that I'm allergic to because the paper tape is NOT cutting it or holding it in. I wanted to know if they could suggest another way to stabilize it or something but anyways, the balloon is no longer secure against my stomach wall and theres all kind of leakage and stuff from around it. Not to mention my tube is sinking into my stomach again and it's just a mess. Marta called me back and they want me to come in on Friday and she said most likely Dr. Cacucci will go ahead and just pull the G-tube out. I have mixed feelings on it because I have to hurry and make sure that I can get a vitamin to agree with me orally because i been doing liquid centrum through the gtube. Also I'm almost out of my Calcium Care liquid Calcium that I've been putting in the gtube too and I don't really want to do either of those orally, so I gotta find them in pill form. I'm still having some bad days and having some vomiting but it's improved a bit so I'm hoping and praying that I will be able to do it on my own. I still tube feed some days just for the extra protein. I had my labs done this morning for my 6 month appointment that was scheduled on 1/28 and was told I can pick my lab results up on Wed or Thurs probally from medical records. I'm just hoping and praying everything is okay and that I will be able to do it without the tube and keep myself afloat. I try hard and just can't get enough in no matter what what I do but I'll be glad to get rid of it too. I'm just super anxious I guess because while I've been improving I don't want to jinx it and I'm worried that its taken out and I'm gonna end up sick and in the hospital needing a new one put in or something. I just want the timing to be right.
on 1/14/08 5:50 am - IN
Misty, I am a firm believer that nothing happens until a higher power knows it is TIME for it to happen, so I believe that you will do great without your g-tube.  I am not saying it will be easy, but I do think you will be successful!  I will keep you in my thoughts! Maddie

on 1/14/08 7:44 am - LaGrange, KY
Thanks Maddie, I know I can do it I just need to keep reminding myself. I just have no clue what to do on the days I don't keep anything down. With the tube I just pour formula in and still go bout my day. I trust Dr. Cacucci's opinion though and if she thinks it's time and all I trust it. I am going to pick my labs up at our hospital hopefully theyll be back by time I have to go on Friday and take them with me. I'm just hoping everything is okay. Believe me I want this tube out more than anything but I just don't want to be feeling any more exhausted and fatigued than I already do..
Lucy B.
on 1/14/08 9:05 am






on 1/14/08 9:15 am - LaGrange, KY
As I said I am doing better for the most part I just don't have enough confidence in me I guess to be able to do my part 100% The past 3 days I've struggled to get more and more protein in and still can't get more in.
on 1/15/08 1:01 am - Wabash, IN
Hang in there gal!  I know you can do it!  think about it...You were strong and confident when you made the decision to have the surgery...keep that thought...all will get better! I have faith in you! huggggggggs Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 1/15/08 1:22 am - LaGrange, KY
Thanks hon, the more I think about it the more excited I get. My biggest fear is having to have it put back in. I guess I'll just wait til I get my labs back and stuff. I do trust Dr. C's opinion though so I know shes going to make the better decision for me but I'm still a little worried bout not having that back up. I really thing the gtube has been my lifeline as far as keeping me out the hospital as often because when I struggle to get my fluids in I could always start putting them in that.
lorri V.
on 1/15/08 4:40 am - Seymour, IN
Hi Misty,
I hope you can get rid of that g-tube. I'll pray for you
You've suffered long enough with tis problem. I believe you'll do fine without it. Can you take and use childeren's chewable vitamins? I know you'll probably have to take two of them, but they seem far more easy to take to me. Just a thought. Wishing you well on Friday. Love & Hugs.

on 1/15/08 4:42 am - LaGrange, KY
I can't do the chewables, I've tried  the flinstones, walmart, target, cvs and walgreens brand of flinstones, none of them are tolerated well. I'm doing good with pills though so I'm buying some Centrum complete pills later and will cut them up and take them in halves
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