Sunday....Good morning!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Good morning all. We decided not to go to church this morning, because Molly's ankle is hurting really bad this morning. She gets her hard cast on tomorrow morning, so she doesn't want to do much until then, and I can't blame her. She slept well, so that was a plus. The sattelite people will be here after noon, and I can't wait!!! I don't even care that it is pouring outside right now!!! Since I have had to do without tv for 3 days now, they can work in the rain, sleet, snow, even a hurricane as long as I get my tv back on!!! LOL Just kidding, but I am really having trouble without it! Uggh! lmao! Hope everyone has a great day. We are having some dear friends over this afternoon to visit. They are planning on bringing some things for Molly to keep her occupied at school while the rest of her friends are playing at recess and in PE. I talked to her teacher and bus driver last night, and they both are ready to help out any way possible to get Molly to and from the bus and class. The bus driver has said that he would even park the bus and carry Molly if he had to! We all love him to death, and the girls really feel comfortable with him, so I don't worry about it at all. Her teacher is going to talk to the principal tomorrow when we are getting the cast on. She will be discussing all the options that Molly will have in class time, and needing help with the bathroom and lunch trays and all that stuff, I know she isn't really ready, but she says that she can't wait to get back to school on Tuesday. She is really going to be tired the first few days once she gets the hang of the crutches and school work. Have a great day all! TTYL
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Good Morning,
I have been up for hours cant sleep and feeling kinda blue, not COLTS BLUE just plain blue. I guess sometimes I can just be to hard on myself, and I have this fear of failing, And I am trying so hard not too. Thank GOD, I have all of you to listen and support me. Today, I am going to start exercising again after that fall last week. I wish all a good day. LaChelle if you lived closer I would get a TV to you , and I hope your daughter is not in to much pain, I'll keep her in my prayers. Everyone, I send love and well wishes, Hugs and Blessings, Gail