When it rains, it pours!!!!

LaChelle R.
on 1/12/08 2:54 am - Erie, PA
Well, here is the latest edition of "The Rick Chronicles"! lol Molly has a broken ankle!!!!!  That poor child is the toughest thing in the world, but it is catching up with her now........and she is only 6!  Last night, we had a co-worker over and we were sitting in  the kitchen just talking when we heard this HUGE cra****hen we heard Mariah screaming and Emily screaming, and then there is Molly clawing her way out from under our huge dresser and 27" old tube-style color tv!!!  She is screaming at the top of her lungs, "I HAVE BROKEN MY LEG!!! IT'S BROKEN!!!"  The dresser had fallen over and caught her underneath it.  She refused to even think about going to the ER last night, and said that in the morning she would go. So I wrapped it up in an ace bandage, and gave her some tylenol and she went to sleep.  At 4 am this morning, she woke back up and said it was still hurting, and that when we got up later this morning, she would go to the ER.  At 7:30am, she tried to walk on it, and couldn't so she screamed for me to get her to the bathroom, and then we would go to the ER.  They got her in, and took a couple of x-rays, and determined that it is fractured just above her ankle on her right foot.  It isn't a complete break, so that is good, but it is bigger than a "green-stick" fracture.  It didn't splinter off, so that made it even better.  The ER got her wrapped up in a soft cast until I can get her to the Ortho-surgeon Monday morning, so he can cast it with a full hard cast.  Poor baby, she is on crutches, and is so clumsy as it is, she can hardly walk with those things!  At least once they get the hard cast on her, she will be more mobile. It was an accident, and Mariah is so upset over it, it made her sick as well.  She was getting something out of the closet, and got her foot tangled up in a blanket......when she started falling, she tried to catch herself on the dresser....but she hit it too hard, and over it fell, on top of Molly.  It broke our TV, but it was so old, that we were going to have to replace it soon enough anyway.........but that isn't whats important right now anyway, just as long as Molly will be ok, thats all that we are worried about.   So, if you all would, please keep her in your prayers.  She has had a broken arm before several years ago, but that didn't keep her down. With her as active as she is, this is bugging the daylights out of her already.  By the way, still keep us in your prayers as well......we are all going to need it for a bit! Thanks, Love to all!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 1/12/08 5:40 am - madison, IN
on 1/12/08 6:46 am - LaGrange, KY
Sheesh LaChelle. I hope she is feeling better soon.. Your such a trooper. Please tell me Jimmy is carrying her though and stuff if need be?? I know it's your baby but you can hurt yourself lifting her.
on 1/12/08 8:43 am
Wow, LaChelle!  You all are having a time of it.  I will continue to pray for you and your family.  I know God is well aware of your situation but some extra prayers on your behalf will be said.  Hand in there.  Maybe when they do the hard cast for Molly she can eventually go into a walking cast.  Peg
Linda Kay
on 1/12/08 8:34 pm - Mooresville, IN
Absolutely not.. as much as you want to YOU can not lift her.. you haven't healed enough.. OMG the poor baby... my grandson broke his arm the fall before last and I felt soo sick wished I could have been there to soften his fall... Be Well, Linda Kay
on 1/12/08 8:46 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Oh my goodness LaChelle! I don't know what kept Molly from wanting to go to the ER NOW. Kids, huh? I'll bet she ends up having a ball getting all of her friends to sign her cast though. Be sure to get her a few Sharpee's to carry around with her. lol.  Are you a believer in the whole 'bad things happen in three's'? Many people are. I know in my life, deaths/funerals tend to happen in three's. I think Molly made #3...right? So...time for some good stuff!!! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Brenda R.
on 1/13/08 2:20 am - Portage, IN
LaChelle, I am so sorry for poor little Molly's accident. I know how she feels on those crutches. Several years ago I broke my foot and they couldn't put me in a hard cast because of the heart problems and possible blood clots so I got in a kid's walking cast because of being so short and not haveing a leg like normal adults lol. Before they put me in a walking cast I was on crutches. You should have seen this fat old woman on crutches. That a sight that I am sure no one who saw me will ever forget. It was nothing but pathetic and funny looking. Be sure to tell Molly that I hope she is feeling better soon and I agree with Sherri, you are going to have to get her multi colored Sharpies.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Jenny K.
on 1/17/08 1:03 am - IN
Poor little thing!  Hope she gets to feeling better soon.
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