my kind of nutty WOW moment
I have experience a kind of crazy WOW moments this past week. I love them though.
This past week as you may know I have been in the hospital for my kidney stone. Well, I fit in a regular hospital gown and it even tied in the back and the side!!!! I haven't been in one those for so many years that I forget how long it has been. I told you it was kind of nutty but it's mine and I love it!!
Another one that I love is now I am in the 220's and I am working my way to onderland. That is another thing I haven't seen in a kazillion years!!!!
I can understand that WOW momment completely! When I was in the hospital in October, while I was in the bariatric wing, the nurses got out towels, gown, sheets, etc for my daily wash-up. After I was washed up, they went to put the gown on me. I looked like my 3 year old granddaughter when she plays dress-up! I thought back to 3 years ago when those same gowns would only tie at the neck. My nurse told the tech to go grab a few small gowns from another floor to put in my closet. That seemed so funny to hear! Me? 'Small' gowns?? Someday it'll sink in I suppose..but it hasn't yet. Those did stay on me at least.
I hope that the stone particles 'wash out' soon! That just sounds so ouchie!
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