Good Friday!

LaChelle R.
on 1/10/08 7:43 pm - Erie, PA
I hope your Friday is a great one!!! I have to vent for just a moment...........last Saturday, our sattelite reciever decided to mess up on us.  I personally can't sleep without tv, never have, never will be able to.  Anyway, we have Dish network, and with the dual recievers.  Our Daughters tvs work just fine, and they have never had any problem at all.  Ok, back to the story, last Saturday, our DVR reciever went out AGAIN......this has happened several times in the 15 months we have had the service.  I called Dish, and they were going to send a tech out on Monday morning.  No big deal, I would manage somehow by viewing the girls tv. Monday comes, and all the guy does is replace the reciever. He didn't check the di****self thinking that it was just the reciever that was causing the trouble.   So, anyway, we were watching tv last night, and started to change the channel.........when of course, you know it, the dish went out again on our reciever.  I called DISH and told them what was going on, they tried to help me fix it over the phone, but with no help.........and so they have ordered ANOTHER tech to come out and fix it again.  Now remember, they were just here on Monday, and this time, they aren't going to be able to be here until Sunday afternoon!!!!  So now I only have to wait 3 more days until my tv is fixed and the tv in the livingroom is fixed. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!   These people don't understand that if I can't actually see a freaking tv, I am going insane!  (I know, it is a horrible habit, but I have always been that way. Goofy, I know to say the least!)  So, last night, I slept with Molly.......on a freaking twin bed! LOL  I was even desperate enough to get out the rabbit ears and put the aluminum foil on the tips to try to get some kind of picture.  Of course since we live in the middle of nowhere, I didn't get a darn thing but snow. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Looks like I will be sleeping in Mollys' room again tonight if I want to sleep at all! LOL Ok, now I am done ranting!  Have a wonderful day!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jenny K.
on 1/10/08 8:42 pm - IN
Good morning all! I have a grouchy pouch this morning.  I brushed my teeth and heaved for about 5 min.  Must have ate something that the ole pouch doesnt like.  My stomach is just grumbling up a storm.  I am at work, not much else going on.    I got my Chike protein yesterday, I had ordered free samples that I saw on the main board.  I tried the vanilla one last night and not too bad.  I dont know if they are still doing free samples or not, but I think it was You might want to check it out, you get 5 samples in vanilla, choc., strawberrry, orange, & bananna.   Lachelle~ I hope you get your TV back soon and get some rest. Have a good day everyone! Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 1/10/08 9:15 pm - Wabash, IN
Mornin' my Indiana Posse! OMG Lachelle I thought I was the only crazy person on earth that needed TV or music to sleep!  Good luck with those techies! Today I am FINALLY feeling a bit like my old self again...I tell ya...that stomach virus is a pain in the rear!  LOL Going to lunch today with my mom...its her birthday ...71 I am getting OLD! BUT I am gonna make these 50's FABULOUS! YEEHAWWWWWW!!! Y'all have a FINE Friday and a WOOHOOOO Weekend! Huggggggggs, Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

(deactivated member)
on 1/10/08 9:24 pm - Terre Haute, IN

It's Friday! Hip Hip Hooray! My boy made a friend this week at his new school, and the boy is going to spend the night tonight. I'm so happy he's making a friend. Mikey has a hard time with changes. I think it's the ADHD in him.  We got our new phone number and the phone hooked up yesterday. I'm excited about that. My cell phone is now off, we cancelled them to save money, so I would melt without any kind of phone. Hehe.  We got a different vehicle for my hubby yesterday. It's a 2000 WIndstar minivan. Burgandy colored. It's nice looking, and seems to run well. So, now we're pretty much set in our new plan for life. I'm still a bit nervous, but it's good to know my friend here are pulling for us.



on 1/10/08 10:27 pm - Crawfordsville, IN
Good Morning all.  Not much going on here today. Just taking it easy, is about it. LaChelle ours used to change channels on its own too, but they helped us reprogram it cuz the neighbors were on the same wave as us or whatever you call it.  I was so afraid it was gonna go on a channel that the kids shouldn't be watching, cuz it was thier tv in the play room. Jenni, I got mine yesterday too but i haven't tried them yet. It smelled like hot chocolate when i opened the bag, lol. WEll I better be going, theres some laundry calling my name.  Hope all of you have a great day.  
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   Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality


Brenda R.
on 1/10/08 10:48 pm - Portage, IN
Good Friday to all of my friends.  It feels cold out but the heat is going strong and I still feel like I have 2 ice cubes on the bottom of my legs! I can't wait until spring gets here but I thought that before winter even started. lol I got the kidney stone blasted yesterday. The doctor said that as soon as they hit it with the sonar wave or whatever they use it shattered. He said that he never had one do that before. He is very optimistic that it will pass. I sure hope it hurries!!!! I am going in this morning to get my 3 month bloodwork done for Dr. Stanish. I go see him on Wednesday. I have lost more weight now but I haven't put it on my ticker yet. I am going to have to do that soon. I am now in the 220's and I am waiting not so patiencely for onderland!!!!! I haven't seen that for some time!!!! I better get going. Hope that everyone has a wonderful day and just remember TGIF!!!!!! Have a good one and stay warm and safe. Bye for now. 

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 1/10/08 11:24 pm - LaGrange, KY
Ok you all.. I got the internet back at home again LOL. They made us pay the full amount to keep the phone on (I HATE Comcast by the way not because I shouldnt have to pay my bill but because they have YET to be able to get our bill right in the first place. We have a new company in town that we're thinking of switching to after we move) therefore I said well make sure my internet is back on too :P Anyways I do still need to make sure I get cleaning and packing and all that fun stuff done!!! I'm really frustrated with the scale!! I just have no clue what to do and I'm terrified that my body is done losing and I really hope thats not the case. It hasn't moved in 3 weeks atleast except for 2 lbs like last week but nothing at all since. I'm nowhere near where I wanna be. I'm getting my fluids in most days but I still struggle horribly with protein (or any food for that matter). I still can't seem to get more than 40 g of protein in on a really good day and all I eat is protein (which is getting old too I'd love some fruit and veggies or something which are a treat once in a while because I try to only get protein since all I can get in is 2 oz most times on occasion 3 oz but I feel awful about trying anything more than protein after the 2 oz because I don't get enough in so I usually do ALL protein). I'm just really stressed out right now and frustrated with everything too and I know that doesn't help at all. Is it possible that I'm just at a long stall and it's just all gonna start falling off again?? Normally I'd tell someone to go back to the basics except I've never left the basics. Any advice is appreciated..
on 1/10/08 11:46 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone! I'm waiting for a call from Dr. Bergman's office. She is trying to get it ok'ed from Dr. Gupta to keep me off of the wound-vac! Ooooohhhh!!! I would just love her for that! The visiting nurse called (Joe today) and he asked if I wanted him to come now or at 3. I told him 3 so that hopefully Dr. Gupta's office will contact Dr. Bergman's office by then so we can get the visitng nurse's orders changed.  We're going out to eat tonight with Bill's Mom Jean, her bf Bob, and both of each of their kids & their kids spouses. I think Bob's kids are married..if so, they'll be 10 of us for dinner. That should be nice. We haven't met his kids yet. It makes me wonder if something is up for them to want all their kids to meet. hmmmmm..... We have to be there at 6 so fortunately, it won't take Joe very long even if he does have to put the wound-vac back on.'re just on a little stall. Start drinking more skim milk or something girl to get that protein level up. Until you get your protein & fluids in, you will be going through stalls. It can't be stressed enough that you have to have Protein, Exercise, and Water (PEW) in order to keep the weight coming off. So yes...go back to basics...of getting in what you have to get in...+60 g of protein and +64 oz water. And that isn't just for weight loss but for good health as well. your email! Congrats on getting everything good to go! LaChelle..Bill would be totally lost without his TV. When we set up camp, he's got the dish set up before I can even get the air turned on or the windows open (depending on how hot it is on which one I do!). Myself, I like it quiet and dark so when I sleep with him (not right now because of my tummy issues) I sleep with a blindfold and earplugs! Which...can make it hard for me to hear the alarm clock in the mornings. Oh well, something has to give, you know? We have Direct TV and haven't had any big issues with it. Good luck! You all have a really good day today! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 1/10/08 11:51 pm - Osage Beach, MO
Good Morning Everyone, Well it's friday and the only good thing is that I'll get my husband's pay check today, which is only for two days since he had to go to Florida for his mother's funeral. So I'll be broke again after paying what little bills I can. Such is the story fo my life. 10 days til I get the pic ilne and trach. 11 til surgery. I'm excitied and frankly I'm just ready for it to be over and I'm on the losing side of things. I'm a little nervous about only eating two ounces but everyone is telling me that I won't fill hungry but I'm really worried about the head hunger part. The 20th I'm going to Incredible Pizza which is like an adult chucky cheese. So that will be my last supper. My dad and step mom reserved a room for my brothers and sister and their familes as our christmas gift. It's buffet style pizza salad and desert so I'm happy that my last meal will be something I like alot. I've been walking more and not relying on this dang ol wheelchair as much. My husband says he can't wait til the day he can burn it. LOL He has to lift it into the back of the SUV and it weights about 100 lbs or more. But I told him he can't burn it---I am going to give it to someone else in my shoes who can't get around. Along with all of the things I have for morbidly obese people. I can't wait til I'm just obese, I know that sounds bad but I haven't been obese in years and I welcome it. I took a bath for the first time in about 10 years while I was in Indiana for my preop testing and class. The hotel we stayed in had a jacuzi tub--it was WONDERFUL, I haven't washed my whole entire body by myself in a very long time. (Although the hotel was in the ghetto, won't make that mistake again) I spoke to my husband last night the wake/viewing is on Sunday for his mom and Monday is the funeral so he should be home sometime next week. I hope so I miss him like crazy--we have little tiffs everynow and them but I sure miss him when he's gone. He seems to be holding up pretty good, he's not sure how he'll do on Sunday. He was a little choked up yesterday when he called because his dad woke up and said he missed her being in the bed with him. His dad cried and my hubby and his brothers hugged him and just sat close to him. I know it has to be hard to lose someone you were with for 50 years. I've been married almost 7 years and I miss my hubby if he's gone for a couple days. Well I guess I've rambled long enough. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Angie!
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