Signs of torn staple line??
I am probably getting all freaked out for nothing, but everytime I eat or drink today my stomach feels crampy and it feels slightly burning all the time. The burning is not bad (barely noticeable) but the cramps get somewhat bad. What are the signs of a torn staple line? What else could these symptoms indicate? I have called Dr. C's office--but they have not called back yet--could use some thoughts from you all.
Good Morning Maddie.
The only advice I have is to call the NUTs. They should be able to help you since it happens when you eat or drink. Are you taking the Pepcid Complete? I notice I get a slight burning when I forget to take it. I also noticed pretty early out that I got a bit crampy when I "over-did" it the day before. Like when I did laundry and carried the loads from the laundry room to the living room to fold. I got a pulled feeling right around my belly button. I called about it and was told it was pretty normal to feel that way for several months. I'll be 11 weeks post-op tomorrow and haven't noticed it in a while.
Whatever it is, I hope you get an answer and some relief soon.
here are the email addys i have for st v
dawn- [email protected]
cindy- [email protected]