Confused and overwhelmed
Okay, I started my surgery classes last Thursday. I go in tomorrow for all my labs tomorrow morning and then another class tomorrow afternoon (4 weeks of classes). Well, after the last class I was completely confused and overwhelmed. I understood the surgery part just fine. But I was confused on the whole eating thing. Do I need to be finding a protein shake that I like that has low sugar and high protein? If so, what do you recommend? Do I need to drink these shakes for the rest of my life (which is fine), or is it just for the time period after surgery before you go on solids?
Hopefully they will give me a comprehensive list of all this stuff closer to surgery. I tried to take notes, but everyone kept asking these off topic questions because a lot of them are doing the classes again because they didn't have the surgery for some reason or another and are repeating.
This is more just a rant than a question. :-) Sorry. Just getting a little overwhelmed. Good news is I have my consult with my doc on Jan. 31 and the nurse said the surgery is usually scheduled 2 - 3 weeks after the consult. So ,hopefully I'll get a date of some time in February. Keep your fingers crossed!! I want to be feeling better by March 7 because we have tickets for the kids to see the Doodlebops and I don't want to miss their faces when they go.
WOW all of the clinic that do surgery are different. I can give you a basic what St. Vincents does.
The first thing is hopefully they have support groups that meet at least once a month, that is where most questions are answered. Remember there is no stupid question.
Protein is needed to keep muscle. The body will use muscle for energy before fat.
9 months and farther out protein powder may not be needed depending on your lab results.
Protein powders, liquids, chewable are around but wait until after surgery to settle on a brand or type. Taste change and what you like now may not work or like after surgery. I prefer liquid and now use Tropical Oasis from GNC 30.00 a bottle that last about 45 days.
Water at least 64 ounce a day. To keep hydrated and flush out the body.
Instant potato and Cream soups for 3 months after surgery. 2 ounces at each meal not much about two tablespoons. Cream of wheat, farina was acceptable also.. Eat with a baby spoon and eat slowly.
Crystal light for flavor liquid.
3 Flintstone complete chewable vitamins a day
1 b-1 and 2 b-12 sub lingual a week
This is a short list of what you need for 3 months at least
2 Chronicles 16:9
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou has done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.
I was very confused as well about the eating part when I was learning about all this. I still am learning. Regarding the protein shakes at St. Vincent's, it is recommended you do 65 grams of protein supplement and they give you a recipe of 4 cups milk & 1 cup powder milk and you can even flavor it with a sugar free flavoring, such as Hershey's SF choc.syrup. This is to be consumed every day for the first 6 wks. There are a ton of other protein options out there if you cannot tolerate this (I couldnt) I went to Walmart and got the Body Fortress Whey protein in a big jug (it was powder) and 1 scoop to 8 oz. of milk 2x a day was all I had to drink. I was given a list of protein options. After 6 wks, your food choices and amount increase so my nutritionist said I could stop the protein drinks but I had to drink 24 oz of low fat milk daily. Protein is the key with this because of muscle. If you dont get enough protein, you have muscle breakdown, hair loss, etc. I would think your nutritionist would give you a list of foods you are allowed to eat and when. They do at St V's anyway. It is a learning experience as you go, like I said earlier, I am still learning what I can have. I wont lie to you right after surgery, your not allowed much a variety of foods and it gets boring, but after that you can have more options and it gets easier.
Good luck with your future surgery and post anytime with any question. Everyone is hear to help!