Consult with Doctor and papers getting submitted tomorrow.
So, I dont know what I am going to do with my surgery. I posted I was going to try harder to lose the weight on my own, but I am still going to get the stuff submitted just in case everything dont work out. My question is what do I need to ask tomorrow. This is my 1st appointment with him so I dont know what to say or questions to ask... Can they order the endoscope thing??
I guess some questions I asked my surgeon was how many surgeries she had done, how many complications, etc. How long of a stay after surgery? How long I would be off work? I really didnt have too many because I had read up on it a lot.
Talk to your doctor about your concerns of doing this on your own vs. surgery...see what he suggests. If you are having a hard time making a choice maybe he could clarify some things for you and help you decide better. In the end, it all has to be your decision. You will make the right one. My problem was before surgery, I could be on a diet and lose the weight, then I would start back eating and little by little it all packed back on plus more. But now, I am committed and I know I have to eat this way the rest of my life. It is a lot to think about, I know. When I started the process last June, I was a royal witch to my family because I wasnt sure if I was doing the right thing, I stopped smoking and that was taking a toll as well. But after surgery I was 100% better.
It was just the stress of it all. Enough rambling.....good luck with your decision.