Morning all. Today is the start of a new life again for my family. It was a rough night, but we made it thru. Thanks for all the messages and pm. It will be ok, and we will survive.
The temp has steadily dropped all night long, and it is now in the 30's again. More like January to me.
My nurse may come today and take out my staples. She was going to call the dr for me to see if she could. I hope that they can. They are completely healed now, so why bother having them for another week! LOL
Have a good day. I am going to make an attempt to.
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Good morning all!
Just another day at work. I have some paperwork I need to get done and that is about all. Had a good meal last night. I found a recipe on It was meatloaf made with ground turkey. We also had steamed broccoli with a little cheese melted on it.
Lachelle~ I hope you get your staples out today. They are such a nuisance. I didnt have any stitches or staples with my RNY. I went for my 1 wk post op visit and doc was fixing to leave and I said aren't you going to take my stitches out, she said you dont have any. I guess they used the glue stuff.
Everyone have a good day!
Good morning everyone!
I have an appointment with the Hemophillia center at 12:30. They wanted to see me one time before surgery. Why, I don't know. At least my P/I is where it should was 2.2 yesterday (needs to be 2.0-3.0). Then at 2:30, I have an appointment with Dr. Bergman. Her nurse called me Monday with pre-op instructions so I asked if she'd be wanting to see the wound today..she does. So...when the visiting nurse calls, I'm gonna let them know. Either I'll be keeping the wound-vac off till Friday (I hope!!) or the visiting nurse will need to wait and come after I get home from Dr. Bergman's. I doubt they are going to want that long of a day so we'll see.
My stomach has really been pooching out the past few days. I think the hernia(s) been growing. I have this little tray that I finally put over by the couch so I can eat my meals almost laying down. That position seems to be the only one that gives me some relief. Come on 21st!!
LaChelle..I hope your hubby is able to get his job back. If I were him, I'd want it bac****il I could find a new one. It doesn't sound like they be sure they get all the facts before they fire someone since he has proof that he wasn't party to the problem. That kind of place is lousy to work for.
I hope everyone has a good day today!
*edit: Elaine (visiting nurse) just called. I told her about Dr. B wanting to see the wound. Woo-hoo! I got a few more days reprieve from the wound-vac! Yay!!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Well I'm gonna be busy today but just wanted to say Hi!!
I'm so glad that Jodi and Antonette are doing well after their surgeries.. Many prayers are heading their way still for a speedy recovery.
LaChelle - You and Jimmy are definitely in my prayers hon!!! Your always in my prayers though! I just adore you ya know? hehe Keep your head up. God is faithful!
Gail - (( HUGS ))
Sherri - I hope your appointment goes well and all that fun stuff!! (( HUGS )) to you too..
Well I probally won't be on a whole lot today because we are gonna try and get serious bout the apartment hunting. We've been praying and have come tot he conclusion if we don't find something by next week or so we're going to assume that means that God is telling us to stay put.
Mornin Everyone,
Oh boy, the sun is shining!!!! It has been days since I've see it- even on vacation it was gloomy. Don't know about anyone else, but rainy,gloomy days get me down- geeze, there is a song about that, huh?! I woke up with a headache but am ready to get outside and take a walk around- atleast for a little while.
Being house bound for the last few weeks is making me stir crazy---and here's the proof-We did go out to SS. yesturday so Dana could sign up, and got as few things at Wal-Mart, woopie!!! See,it doesn't take much to entertain me! Ok, confession time- I got ready in a hurry and when we walked into Wal-Mart, I looked down and I had 2 different shoes on
- oh my gosh!!!My SIL said I am in with the HS kids,'cause they are all doing that up north. Boy, did I feel foolish, but we got alot of laughs out of it- and a few stares!!
Anotonette & Jodi, hope you are feeling better today. I'm praying for speedy recovery/good news for you gals!
LaChelle, hope you got my pm. I am praying for better days and big blessings!
Hope you get those staples out- I had stitches and know what you mean- the itching gets intense!
Sherri- oh, that is good news- no wound vac will help your skin as well. It won't be long now and you'll be off that totally!!!
Hope all your Drs. appts. go well~let me know what the Drs. say, 'k?! I'll be calling and checking up on you again soon.
Have a great day everyone, and keep your shoes on straight- I'm gonna try~hee~hee!!!!!

(((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#
Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Thank God it is Wednesday. I had such a crappy day at work last night. I am off today. I have nothing to do.Bella and I are just hangin' out today. Doin' whatever.
Well this morning back down to 248. WTF I could n't been that yesterday for my Dr.'s appt. huh. Oh well Go figure.
I am on the hunt for all my medical records.
Call in to Dr. Mirza for 2004 gestastional diabetes.
Call in to Dr Perry for Gyno 2004-2007
Call in to Indiana Heart Phys. for heart prob in 2005
Call into old Pcp I went to once when I lived in Ellettsville that I did not like and never went back.We discussed WLS (1999ish)He hasn't been there in like 6 years or so. Noone knows were my records went.
Yeah I hope My surgery isn't relying on 5 years of medical records.Could be a problem.My current PCP i have been with for 4 years. You think that would be close enough. I HOPE
Ok gonna go and do something productive.
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Hello Everyone,
Well I went to Indiana for my preop class and testing---it's all over and I'm ready to go. I have a terrible sinus infection and it makes my head pound like crazy to use the spirometer but I'm doing it. I'm a little nervous about having a trach after surgery but I know it's for the best. 13 days til I am reborn. I'm nervous and excitied and all that craziness all in one. My mother in law died yesterday and we found out some terrible news about my 4 yr old niece so m emotions are on overload. I'm going to my PCP @ 3 today so I'm going to ask him for some mild mood altering meds. I've never taken them before so I'm a lil nervous about it but I just need something to help me cope with all this. Of course he'll have to give me something that is surger friendly. I don't get on the computer much anymore because I'm just not in the mood I guess---have too much on my mind. Sorry for rambling my thoughts are just so scattered. Hope everyone has a good day.