Monday Morning...barely

on 1/6/08 9:23 pm
Good morning everyone oh LaChelle how exciting i love storms but would be to afraid to chase Sorry to miss the exchange when your my size its hard to imagine anybody having clothes that big.. Secret Santa this is awesome thank you Sherri my mom has a chemo angeland she loves getting a card or small token it makes her so thank you im so excited evryone have a good day and open the windows
on 1/6/08 10:40 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Dawn, Everyone who is a Secret Santa is in the Hoosier Directory. Some weren't included in it until the December/January versions, but all are in it. I checked for the two people mentioned and one of the people has been in the Directory every since the first version came out, the other, didn't make it into the directory until January but they are in it. If anyone learns of someone who isn't in it, I do ask that they drop me a line...but they most likely aren't looking at the most recent Directory... Sometimes it's hard to find someone in OH's Directory because you don't have to be listed under your 'name', but can under your 'nick'..and if you don't know the person's nick....???? Check the Hoosier Directory to see their Screen name and then check the OH Directory for that. Everyone in Elfster though IS a member of OH and IS on the Hoosier Directory. Again, if you have problems finding your person's information, drop me a line. Now..they may not post much, if any...and that really is their perogative. Some people are just uncomfortable posting and feel better just to lurk. That's ok. We'll just ask those people more questions!  Hopefully, the Secret Pal Exchange will help them to be more comfortable around us and they will be more open to posting. I know that the more a person posts, the better feel we have for what they like/don't like but without the posts, there's always the 'question' feature on Elfster. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Brenda R.
on 1/6/08 11:06 pm - Portage, IN

Good morning everyone. I am finally back.  I woke up very early Saturday morning with a terrible pain and I knew instantly that it was a kidney stone. I went to the hospital and sure enough there is one. The second one in less than a year. The first one I had to have surgically removed but this one they are going to try to blow up into little bits. The doctor is suppose to call today and let me know when. He wants me to have it done on Thursday . I just want this thing gone yesterday. There is no impatience on my part is there is there? The doctor told me that after this all done he is going to do a test and see if I am gong to have problems with them and then if I am there is a script that they can give me to stop it. I sure wanted to tell him to give me the med anyway just in case. I hate these things.

It is suppose to be around 65 today I think. It got to 63 yesterday. It was foggy but it was so nice having spring even if it is temporary. Bill just told me that it is like spring out but I just turned the furnace up a bit because I am cold. It must be because it so damp out.

Bill is leaving to go bowling with his nephew. He is really into that right now. They usually go on Monday mornings.

I am planning on staying home and doing nothing today. I am not in the mood to go out for anything or anyone. I am going to hibernate today. :-)

I going to go. I haven't even checked my mail yet so I don't know who my secret pal is. Gotta find out because I can't wait to get going on this. It is going to be so much fun! Thanks for getting this going Sherri.

I will chat later on. Everyone have a good day and stay safe. Bye for now. 

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 1/6/08 11:09 pm - Wabash, IN
Good mornin' my Indiana Posse! I do believe I am in the land of the living once again!  LOL Boy I don't know what got into me, but it definately wanted out over the weekend! I still feel a bit weak today, but gonna get a protein bar and a cup of coffee and go from there.  LOL I am so glad y'all had a wonderful time at the exchange and DANG IT I will be at the next one...heck I might have to have a party at my house for y'all just so I can meet y'all! WOOOOOHOOOOO Lachelle, that storm watching sounds like fun! Mark would love doing that. I will have to have him read your post. Mistylynn....You go gal...sounds like you are on the right track (treadmill) LOL To those of y'all  I haven't met...Your time is coming!  OH NOOOOOOOOOO  LOL Y'all have a wonderful the windows...enjoy the 60 degrees and KEEP a SMILE on your face! HUGGGGGGGGGS, Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 1/6/08 11:25 pm, edited 1/6/08 11:32 pm - Thorntown, IN
Hi Everyone,   Darn, I hated missing the Exchange, it sounds like you all had a great one! Did everyone bring some new foods/reciepes to share?? That is part of the fun, learning new things to feed your family, and sharing ideas. Dawn, you always do such a good job with it, and are so appreciated.   I got my Secret Pal yesturday and boy, am I excited to get to know them! I did post some questions for them, so I have some ideas of what they like. All you have to do is click their name on the list & post annonymously .Let the fun begin!!! Nice thing is, you don't have to spend tons of $$$, just remember them -its the little things that count. That, and knowing someone cares -we are all in this together!!!!    I can't believe the weather, it makes me want to get out & walk, just can't get too far from theGRRRR!  This flu bug sure is holding on- I hope to be over it soon 'cause I need to go to St. V's and have some blood tests redone. The local hospital didn't do ALL of my yearly tests, and my trigliserites were high, and good colesterol low- go figure! I'm 2 yrs. out now, and finding my body continually changes, atleast I am getting healthier !!!!   Jodi,I am praying for you. Remember God is holding you in the palm of His hand, and won't let you go. May you feel His peace as you go thru all of the testings.I wish I could have seen Quinntin, post some new photos,'k? how is Gage doing being the "big brother" ? I bet he loves it, until diaper changing-haha! I know Hunter loves his new baby brother & sis, but says when it comes to that job.   Lachelle, Girl, you & my hubby must be related!! He loves to watch "storm Chasers"- we had an all day marathon while we were on vacation. It scares me; you must be one BRAVE woman! My grandson is on the volunteer fire/rescue team that does it as well- must run in their blood! I hope the "job" works out for you! A card dealing ,storm chasing momma- wow! Who knows , you may be raising thee next generation of them-You amaze me!!    Sherri, it was wonderful talking to you yesturday- just what I needed. Thanks for setting up the Secret Santa, and all you do girl! I hope we can get together soon!!!  Have a great day everyone, and keep on keeping on track! (((hugs))) Ellen        
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
LaChelle R.
on 1/6/08 11:41 pm - Erie, PA
"A card dealing ,storm chasing momma-" Yep, Ellen, thats me!!!  That is now going to be my new signature! Thanks, I needed an update! LOL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 1/7/08 12:09 am - Avon, IN
Lachelle that is SO AWESOME!! I have chased storms since I was about 16... unfortunately the past couple of years I have not been able to go out and do it like I want to because of surgerys during the spring but this year it's on... If you ever want a storm chasing buddy let me know and I'm so down there girl... I will take a day off of work if it's supposed to be active... I LOVE TORNADOES AND WALL CLOUDS!!! I envy you make sure you take LOTS OF PICTURES!! How did you get licensed?


LaChelle R.
on 1/7/08 12:14 am - Erie, PA
I contacted the NWS in Louisville, and went thru their storm spotter training.  Once I had attended both classes, both the basic and advanced, I became an official spotter for my local community.  You can look at your local NWS website for your area, and they will have a list for upcoming classes.  Also, another place you may want to check closer to spring, is the local Fire and Rescue dept in your area.  They sometimes hold classes as well. They are so fun and intriguing!  We will have to hook up sometime then Jess, and go! I love them, and have tons of pics on my pc already! lol
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 1/7/08 12:04 am - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning all! The visiting nurse Elaine just left not too long ago (Elaine's my favorite nurse). She decided not to put the wound-vac back on for a few days. The skin on my poor belly is just so chewed up from the tape that they have to use for the wound-vac. It doesn't seem to mind paper tape so I'm on a dry/wet bandage that uses it instead. I'll be changing until Wednesday morning..and then back to the wound-vac (well..if the skin looks better anyway). I am SO glad to get a break from that darn machine! I could have used that break over the weekend. Oh well! Better now than never. Elaine is going to try to come early Wednesday since we'll be leaving at 11:30 to head to the west/north-west side for my doctor appointments. I hope everyone has a really good day today. Antonette & Jodi... I'll be keeping you ladies in my prayers tomorrow.  Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 1/7/08 1:45 am, edited 1/7/08 1:47 am - LaGrange, KY
Hi you all. Well I just got home from the doc with my mom and we stopped and had lunch at subway. Ummm I think I dumped though or something. I ate lunch at about 12 and we got home like 10 minutes ago. I had gotten sick like 10 mins after eating but still kept a majority of my food down and but was having a lot of pain/discomfort in my belly area. When we got home I sat down and got the really bad cold sweats and really lightheaded, heart palpitations and had to run to the bathroom really quickly. Does that sound like dumping?? What on earth could have made me dump? I ate tuna and thats it.. One bite of the wrap and it sat really weird and hurt me soo i opened it up and ate only the tuna out of it and thats all I had. I just checked my blood sugar thinking maybe for some reason it dropped or whatever and its 116 and thats only 40 mins after eating soo thats fine. I really wanna go work out at the gym but I'm wondering if this is dumping or my body telling me to rest??  Anybody know if it sounds like dumping?? I'm still kind of uncomfortable and slightly lightheaded. I've eaten tuna before with mayo and did fine soo I have no clue what it is. I've also had a bite of a tortilla before and never had these issues. I've had dumping symptoms before but it's never been this intense.
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