Monday Morning...barely
Good Morning Hoosiers,
I am up but I should be asleep lol! I have to get used to this work schedule again! After being out for break the last 2 weeks my mind is wanting to stay up and I should be sleeping! 6 o'clock is going to be here before I know it!
I hope that everyone has a great day today! I enjoyed seeing many of you at the exchange on Saturday! Wish more could have came as well! I haven't met some and some only once or twice and some of the regulars we missed as well! I will keep my fingers crossed that I will meet/see the rest of the gang at the next event or the next exchange in April!
I received my secret santa name today- can't wait to get started! Just a litlle reminder as I have seen some post already to remember for those that need to register their address or email so that others can get a hold of their secret person! Some are listed on the directory but others still aren't! Make sure your info is out there-ok? Some have even mentioned that they can't find their person on OH- COME out of lurk ville and post that way they can get to know you even more and the rest of us can too! LOL!
Have a great day on your journey today, wherever that you may be in it- remember, sometimes we hit a bump, but those bumps makes us stronger and each of our journies unique and our own! Hugz Dawn

Good Morning ,
I to cant sleep . I got my secert santa, I excitined.
Dawn, I had such a great time at the clothing exchange. You do a wonderful job in getting all set up. I too, was so happy to meet my new OH"s family and too see a lot of those I already know.
We are blessed to have such a wondeful family caring and sharing family. Hugs were FREE and no Fat. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope eveyones day is beautiful.
Love,hugs, and prayers Gail
ps Dawn I hope you get to sleep soon, 6am is not far off LOL

Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
Yep, I got my gals name too.. Looking forward to this year.. also reminding everyone, expensive is not the name of the game.. remembering is. If you signed up.. Please remember your person. They are probably being good remembering someone else.
I layed in bed the last 20 minutes wondering if I should call in or not... sigh... but I pick up my son so I gotta go... we both work at the Government Center...
Linda kay
Good morning all. It is so warm outside!!! I can't believe it is Jamuary!!! Oh well, that only means one thing, storms! I am excited about being able to chase them this year, because I will feel much better about getting out in them more! I got the most exciting e-mail yesterday, and with the weather just like this, it made me want to share it with you all.
As some of you may or may not know, I am a storm chaser........liscensed and everything with the NWS out of Louisville. I have chased for years, but finally was liscensed this last summer. Anyway, since I have been off work and sitting at home able to watch tv, I feel in love with the show TwisterSisters on WE tv. I searched for their website, and looked them up. I e-mailed them on Saturday afternoon and told them about myself, and said that they were an inspiration. Anyway, yesterday afternoon, I recieved an e-mail back. Apparently, WE tv is looking to continue their show thru 2008.........AND if I was really interested in chasing with them, that WE tv would be contacting me when they get the upcoming 2008 chase schedule posted. I almost fell out of my chair!!!!! Heck yeah I want to go with them!!! I would LOVE TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I want to go, but not be involved with the tv show, it is $2600 per person for a 10-day tour. If I go with the show, they pay ME! hehehehe Duh! That is a given! Heck yeah, let me be on the show! I am just so excited, and it is only January........just wait until Spring actually gets here!!! Well I just had to share, sorry for making that so long! LOL
Today, I am supposed to get my drain tube out............uggh, I am so glad tho, because it has really started hurting over night, and it looks like one of the stitches has already popped, so it is TIME!!!! I will take my meds and breathe thru the pain and get this darn thing out!!! I can do it!
Have a wonderful day! I plan on i*****L!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Thanks, I was so excited, I could hardly read the e-mail to Jimmy and the girls! They freaked out over it as well! They know that I have always been interested in stuff like this, so they really are excited! Mariah and Molly have both gone on chases with me before, but they aren't old enough to go on this if I am chosen. They have to be 12 yo to go. They understood tho, so its all good!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Good morning all
Hope everyone had a great weekend. I worked on Sat. and was a couch potato on Sunday because I wasnt feeling well.....darn gas is acting up again.
I got my secret santa name as well. How long does this last? Is it the whole year and do we have one big exchange at the end and find out who we had or do we never know?
I cant wait to get started.
Have a good day all.
The Secret Pal Exchange is for the ENTIRE year...all of 2008. It is expected that you remember your person by sending them a card, ecard, small gift, etc at least once per month for the entire year...and try to do something special for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, surgiversaries, or if you know they are going through an extra rough time (medical, marital, emotional, etc) just to let them know that they aren't alone. In December, we then share with our person that we were their Secret Pal. No, no 'big exchange' at the end of the year...although, I did send a floral arrangement to mine for 2007 with the card letting them know that I was their Secret Pal (I hope she got it since she never acknowledged recieving it).
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
your not alone Jenny, lol, having the same problem with a gas bubble stuck since saturday night. I had to work 12 hours today and there was times I just wanted to cry cuz it hurt so much. I think i know the culprit but probably best not to share lol. If that was it, I'm not drinking that stuff ever ever ever again. Hope everybody had a great day.
Do you enjoy AVON but dont have anybody to order from, Try my estore or message me for more info.
Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality
GOOD morning everyoneeeeeeeeee :) hope everyone has had a great morning so far.....Im anxious to go today for my band fill.....I just got all my new things from the exchange washed and hung up and put up * the ones that are a size too small *.....I love you guys for having that, it helps cut down the cost of this whole process for me and I greatly appreciate it!!!