Good Sunday Morning all! I have a livingroom full of little girls that I need to start getting up and ready for church this morning. Last night, my girls each had one of their friends spend the night. Usually it is just one, and there is always fights, because it winds up being 2 on 1, so I remedied that by inviting another friend, so they would keep it even, and it worked a bit better. There were still quabbles and quarrels, but thats little kids for you.
I got to searching for clothes to wear to church this morning, and found a dress that I have never been able to wear. My MIL sent it to me, and it was at least 2-3 sizes too small when I got it. I tried it on, and it fits perfectly! I am so freaking excited over that! It is a light-weight shell dress, that is sleeveless and buttons down all the way, but, I have the perfect sweater to wear over it, so I am stoked about my find!
Hope everyone has a great day today. Me and the girls are all going to church this morning, and then who knows after that for the day. I am 10 days out today, so I can start driving just for short drives, so I am going to drive to church today, and then back to home, and thats all I am going to worry with for now. At least I won't be so confined now.
I have also been off any pain meds, and that was the key there...... I had to be at least 24 ours off of pain meds first before I can drive, and I am more like 48 hours!!! I just am so glad that I haven't been hurting at all. The staples are itching so bad, and one is just about ready to pop all the way out. I will show the nurse tomorrow when she comes to take out my drain tube! Yippie!!!
Ok, gotta get everyone up and going. Have a great one! TTYL!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Drain tube YEC!! I think that was the worse thing about surgery...Take a deep breath and don't let it out until the tube is out and youwill be fine it is 10 seconds of OUCH and then you are on the road to a MUCH improved life!!
Yea I found the more the merrier when my boys had sleep overs.. if just one does then one is left out because it is not THEIR friend..blah blah blah.. My boys had sleepovers into their teens... then I just took the car keys put them under my pillow and they watched tv in the living room eatting pizza... but then that was about 12 years ago and I think kids might have changed a little..
I am off to SS in a minute and then staying for church,
Linda Kay
Good morning everyone!
I am SO excited! I got my Elfster name this morning! You all should be getting yours too. I know that it says it's for December 23, 2007..but ignore that, ok? It's for all of 2008. I have GOT to get some questions asked!!!!
Again, I did enjoy seeing everyone yesterday. I was frustrated because I was just so worn out by the time I got there. EVERYTHING I did yesterday morning turned into a huge mess for me to clean up. I ended up with 3 major messes to clean up (one all over my glass stovetop (which burnt on the one burner that was still hot), one all over the kitchen floor & throw rug, and one all down the front of my cabinet drawers!). It's a good thing that I did most of my cooking Friday night! Anyway, trying to clean all that up with this darn wound-vac was horrible. I'd try setting it down and it would get real noisy on me...ggrrrrrr! So...trying to clean up messes..especially those that required me to bend down alot..the drawers & floor...was especially difficult and energy zapping. I can't wait to get rid of it! Two more weeks!!! Yay!!!!
I have an appointment at the hemophillia center on Wednesday. The target for my blood's P/I test (for the blood thinner) was 2.0-3.0. Last Thursday, we FINALLY got it to 2.0!! Woo-hoo! That was the first time...only took 3 months to do it! Someone not on any thinner usually has a 1.0. The higher the number, the thinner your blood is. So they want my blood to be 2-3 times thinner than 'normal' for someone not on anything. I don't know what they'll do Wednesday when I go there except maybe do the P/I test and maybe go over the calendar of getting me off of them & back on them again for my surgery on the 21st. And yep, I'll be back on the stomach injections again. I have to do them 2 days before the surgery and back on them the day after...and until my blood gets back into the 2-3 range.
After that, I have an appointment with Dr. Bergman. Bill doesn't think he should go with me because he's lible to say something to her about her being unwilling to do the surgery before January 1st. It really makes me wonder if it was ALL her though because I know Dr. Gupta had tried putting it off too. Anyway, I'm sure she'll be checking out all the incisions from the tummy tuck & thigh lift. I still have one place that is collecting fluid so I'm going to tell her to wait & bring her syringe to surgery with her. I really don't want her sticking it in my leg with me awake! It's about 8" up..on the inside of my thigh. That just looks like a little bit of a sensitive location to me! Dr. Gupta's office never returned my call (a week ago Friday) when the visiting nurse wanted me to get in to see her earlier so my next appointment with her is the 17th. all have a good day! I'm just going to lounge around. I think I'm going to see if Bill wants to watch the new Pirates movie. We've had it from Netflix for a few weeks but it is ~2.5 hours long so we haven'****ched it yet. I think this afternoon would be an excellent time!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
It's a beautiful Sunday.....I am off today! WooHOO! I just took a walk with Bella around the block, she was driving her barbie car.I ended up having to carry it around halfway because the stupid battery died. That thing must weighed 40-50 pounds, so needless to say I got one heck of a workout.I made a video I am posting it on my youtube sight in a little bit.
I also got my Elf name. OMG I am soooo excitied. I am starting right away.
Good luck Jodi on tuesday aswell. I am sorry I didn't get to intro. myself. But I did see Quentin. He is absolutely precious.
Sherri, there is no need for to apologize for her energy, Speaking for everyone, we completly understand your situation and are just thrilled you are able to attend our get togethers. The soup was fabulous. Everything as usual was awesome. My friend had a great time and we talked about it all the way home.
Well I need to edit my videos and get them loaded. Have a great day. Shanna
ps lost another pound this morning. Yeah
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Good Afternoon !! :) I got up and went to church this morning and the message hit very very close to me. Last year I really slacked off on keeping in the word and our pastor spoke about how when we stop reading the Word we start letting negativity..etc in our lives. I have decided that I am going to really do my best to develop a closer relationship with Christ and really get my spiritual life back on track since I've been such a slacker in that area. I let myself skip church because I didn't feel like carrying the TPN bag or having people look at me, or skip church because of allergies etc.. I mean if it's something thats catchy obviously I'm doing folks a favor staying home but I just made up excuses NOT to go to church last year and this year I'm really going to improve on that! I want to join our praise team soooo bad but I feel I need to improve my church attendance first before I go committing myself to it. :) Oh yea and I'm really excited also because we're seeing some new faces in our church and that is awesome A) because new people is always great, but B) they're near our age!! Our church has always had either folks who are our parents age and up (not that it's a bad thing, I'm just saying) or little kids. The only other couple or two our age have 3 or more kids and soo obviously they have noo time to fellowship or anything. I really wanna put myself out there this year though because I really have like nooooo real life friends really anymore that I can go out with or whatever. The one person who was supposedly my best friend pretty much backed off when I mentioned I was having surgery because I wouldn't be the same person anymore (I guess meaning I wouldn't be able to go to chinese buffett and eat 4 plates with her anymore) or whatever sooooo it's kinda really put a damper on things. Soo I pretty much just sit round the house and I don't know anyone really.
I'm super excited bout going to the gym in a lil bit after dropping my mom off at work. I'm going to try and make it to 45 minutes of cardio today (I did 30 the other day) and 15 of some slight strength training (in my arms is where I'm working to try and tame the bat wings before they get bad). I won't push too hard though because all though my respiratory stuff and sinuses seem like they've cleared up for the most part my asthma is still acting up a little bit but it's controlled pretty much with my maintenance meds and inhaler. I have been doing a neb treatment before exercise and before bed though and been able to sleep a little easier.
Sherri, hon noone is upset that you were beat or tired I'm just glad that you could make it!!! Yesterday absolutely wore me out too. I cannot wait til I have some type of energy!!!
Bellasmom, It was super nice meeting and chatting with you yesterday! Your friend was really sweet also you guys are just great!!!!
Gail, I was soo excited to FINALLY meet you! You are an angel seriously!!!!!!! I think God placed you in my life at the perfect time and I am sooo very thankful for that.
Floyd & Brenda, it was great seeing you guys when I was actually coherant enough to talk LOL. Enjoy your cruise.
Everyone else that I met it was great meeting you, those I didn't get to talk to I'm sorry but hopefully in April !!!
Well I'm out to get ready for the gym.