Hello ALL & hope to see ya at the exchange!
Do you enjoy AVON but dont have anybody to order from, Try my estore www.youravon.com/uthompson or message me for more info.
Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality
Dawn, so glad to see you back on!!! I would love to attend, but since I will only be 9 days out come Saturday, I won't have a way there, unless I can find a ride there! I really wish I could come. It would be such a blast to just chat with you all and finally put voices to the faces I see on here!!! LOL I know, I am goofy! It's not from lack of trying tho....I worked HARD to be this goofy! LOL
Have a wonderful evening!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
I am not familiar with where you are coming from, hopefully someone else will chime in and help with that! Some do carpool, it is a wonderful way to help each other as well as build a friendship and what better way to brighten the drive than share conversation with a fellow OHer!
You don't have to bring anything, although we do have a pitch-in with wls friendly foods! We like for you to share the recipes so that if you find something that you like you will be able to have the recipe for the future! Also sometimes many of us bring a before picture so that we can see how far each other has come on our journies- this is good for the newbies as well as the newly post ops and those thinking of surgery- this is for everyone- EVERYONE is WELCOME! Also, clothes are welcomed and needed for this to be a successful clothing exchange, bring clothes that are still in good shape, not holey or stained, something that someone else would love to have and be able to use and then hopefully pass it along at the next clothing exchange! It is kind of weird to see some of your own items a few exchanges down the way! It is great socialization, hope that you can find a carpool buddie and if not that you are able to venture to Indy and meet many of us! It is always great fun! Hope to meet ya on Saturday! Hope this helps some! Hugz Dawn