Good Wednesday Morning
Ulisa - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband today and through his whole deployment!!! Thank you!! (( HUGS ))
LaChelle - I didn't really have the cabin fever because I was getting out and about BUT I dealt with the worst case of get me out of here during that 2 week hospital stay at St. Vs lol.
Hope everyones doing okay!! That Tylenol Cold stuff last night seemed to really help after my pouch quit feeling like it was on fire. I got the liquid and it has that cool burst stuff in it and it hurt for like 30 minutes afterwards.
I'm still not really sure bout the clothing exchange yet I have yet to find a definite ride and it also depends greatly on how I'm feeling at this point and time. We will see.
Good Morning All, Ulisha, my prayers are thoughts are with you and your family. The sun looks so good but what a fooler. I am still taking my meds and I am feeling lots better.It will be so good for me, I dont get out very much or see many people. And it really is starting to get to me. I talked to Dawn "imon my way" I will be bring all the paper produnts we will need. Take care and keep warm. Love,Blesings and Hugs, Gail
Hi all- I'm back!
We were gone from Christmas day to Sunday nite to Fairfield Bay, Ak., & I came down with the flu/cold bug that is going around. YUCK- the family we were with had just had it, and passed it on to me- lucky aren't I?? It has really knocked me on my butt!
We did have a nice, relaxing time- I read 3 books and we watched 3 movies. We also cooked together and went to see National Treasure- great movie
, & out to eat at the Country Club Fri. afternoon. Well, lets say they ate, I lost mine! Then traveling for 11 hrs- geeze, I was so glad to get home to my own bed.The past 2 days all I have done is napped, read alittle and sipped tea. I am getting some protien shakes in, thankfully. I sure hope I am better by Fri. as I have to babysit the grandkids & then there is the clothing exchange Sat.woo-hoo!!! I love seeing all my friends!!!
Ulisha, Hon, I sure know how you feel-
our grandson was deployed twice to Iraq, and it was so hard. Do know we appreciate YOUR sacrifice as well as his to serve & protect! I live only 17 mi. from you, so if you ever need a friend pm. me, or email me, & I will do my very best to come see you!!! I am praying for the Lord's protection for him .
Have a great day everyone, and I hope to post more later.

(((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#
Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Thank you guys for all your thoughts and prayers today, it was rough but we got through it. We had to park at the zoo and wait for shuttle busses and let me tell you it was COLD COLD COLD out there. The zoo finally opened the garden center for us to stand in, not that there was enough room for all of them but we hopped on the first bus we could shove our way onto. I'm not to impressed with the organizational skills of who ever put on this show, let me tell you. It was nice and emotional, but with this being my second one I was more prepared as to what was gonna happen and I think emotionally, still doesn't make it easier but it helped. Again thanks to all you guys. I do believe that my 4 y.o. and I will be at the the clothing exchange on saturday so maybe I will finally get to meet some of you guys. Have a great rest of a day.
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Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality
Ulisha, you and your little one are in my thoughts and prayers...I jus****ched the news and you were on my mind.
Three months from today....I'm READY. I called the office Monday to see about moving it up to February, because DH is job hunting like crazy, and since I'm a SAHM, he carries our insurance. He's been job hunting since August/September with nothing happening, so as bad as I want him to get a new job, NOT NOW!!
Anyway, never heard back from the surgical coordinator, so I'm guessing the answer is a "no" on moving up my date. I'm OK with that...the timing for both my surgery and a new job for D is in God's hands, not my own. I did get my pre op physical scheduled for March 12 at 1pm, yay!! Left a message about the class, hopefully I'll have that info tomorrow. Even though I'm primarily a SAHM, my husband works 2nd shift, I work one afternoon a week as a church secretary, and I am available to substitute teach three days a week...I'm hardly ever home! HaHaHa.
Won't be at the clothing exchange this weekend, it's my husband's guaranteed Saturday off so we're taking the girls to the Children's Museum and doing "family stuff". I plan to make it to one soon though!

Highest/Day of Surgery/Current (8/15/09)/Goal (mine)