Good Wednesday Morning

on 1/1/08 7:49 pm - Crawfordsville, IN
Good morning everyone!  I thought I would post this while waiting for my turn to get in the shower.  I'm freezing this morning, I'm really hating this cold weather and what little snow we have, lol. Well today is not going to be much of a happy day for me.  Here in a few hours I make my way to Indy for the dreaded fare well ceremony at the RCA dome for my husband.  They are suppose to be putting on the news or something like today since it is only open to family.  So anybody out there that would like to say a prayer for me today would be great.  I'm so so so not looking forward to this.  Well I hope that everybody has a great day and if today is your first day back to work since the holidays, I hope it goes smoothly for you.  I'm off to get me some breakfast and a shower.  Have a great day!!!  
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   Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality


on 1/1/08 8:00 pm - Lawrence, IN

Ulisha, Our thoughts and prayers go out to you.  Brenda and I know what you're about to go through as I was in the Navy for 20 years.  It was never easy, even the short periods.  Just know that you have friends here on OH for when you need us.

There is a reason you're freezing this morning.  It is so frigid outside.  In three weeks, we go to Florida and then to the Bahamas.  I can't wait to warm up.  LOL Take care. Floyd

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Jenny K.
on 1/1/08 8:32 pm - IN
Good morning everyone and Happy New Year (I wasnt at work yesterday to post that, so I am doing it today) Ulisha~ I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers today.  It cannot be easy to have to go through that.  One of my employees is leaving today as well and his wife is a mess.  Tell your husband "Thank you" for fighting for our freedom. I am starting to get what you all our saying about being cold all the time after you start losing.  I used to run around in shorts and t-shirt in the winter (inside) because we have a wood stove and it would get pretty darn hot in the house.  Yesterday though I had PJ pants on and T-shirt and sweatshirt and still had an afghan on.  I still like the snow, but not too much into this cold.   I go to the doctor tomorrow.   I do have 1 question for anyone that can answer it.  I havent started losing any hair or anything, but I want to get a perm.  Will getting a perm increase hair loss or breakage? Everyone have a good day and try to stay warm. Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 1/1/08 11:21 pm - New Whiteland, IN
Jenny, You probably won't start losing hair till about your 4th month out. Then it ends at about 7 months out. Perms can be drying to your hair and some can cause breakage. I doubt it will harm you might give you more volume especially if you keep it shorter :o) Losing hair is a normal process after this surgery and it will come back in. I had my surgery in February and started thinning 4 months to the day..then by Christmas I had all this new growth and now I am back to normal even after my plastic surgery last July. Just hang in there and when it starts keep looking ahead to when you are more back to normal. :o) Hugs! Marianne

"Bloom Where you are Planted! " RNY 2/3/06 ~ TT/BA/BL saline implants 7/17/07

on 1/1/08 8:37 pm

Ulisha...I have been in your shoes too many times.   My heart is with you today and for the weeks to come.  Staying involved with your OH friends  as well as the other spouses from the unit will help fill your days and keep you going.  When that just isn't enough and you need someone else to talk to, please don't hesitate to call or email me and I can call you. Keep your chin up and Stay warm, Brenda

Brenda R.
on 1/1/08 10:08 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning,all. I hope that everyone is attempting to stay warm but that is near impossible. The temp here is 6 witha windchill of -12. It is coooold!!!!!!!!! It was snowing some a bit ago but thank you God it stopped. We have about 8-9 inches. I am so sick of the white stuff. I am tired of shoveling Lake Michigan out of my yard too. lol Ulisha, my heart and prayers go out to you and your husband. I pray that God keeps him safe and out of harms way. Remember we are here for you if you need us. Please thank him for all that they are doing for us. We greatly appreciate their dedication.  I have my 3 month check with the nurse this morning. I am dreading it becasue I don't want to go out in the cold.  I better get going. I have to start getting ready. Stay warm and safe today and I will chat later on. Bye for now. 

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


LaChelle R.
on 1/1/08 10:09 pm - Erie, PA

Ulisha, hon, I will say a special prayer for you, and the other families that are having to go thru this today.  We have a couple leaving from where we work as well, so everyone at work is upset as well.  I know that this has to be one of the hardest things you encounter. I personally have never experienced this myself, but I am sure it really has to be hard.  God Bless you and your husband as he deploys today. It is 7 degrees here in the hills. We also have about 1" of snow as well. Gotta love winter!  I still do! Of course, I haven't lost as much weight yet for me to tell a difference.  I am sure by next winter, I will be singing a different tune! My home health nurse will be coming over today to take my drain tube out! Yippie!!!!  I am so dreading that tho.  She said she would call me early enough so I could take a pain pill and have it working before she got here!  These staples are itching and driving me crazy as of them looks as if it is already half way out!  I get them taken out on the 8th, so I just will have to wait a little longer.  They were bothering me last night in my sleep, because I was dreaming that I had been attacked by a porcupine, and the quills were in the same places as the staples are! Isn't that just wild! LOL  At least I didn't try to pull them out while I was sleeping! I have got issues with my protein, but I am doing better.  I have been managing to get about 48 grams in daily.  Of course, I can always add more powder, but then there is more powder than meal! lol  I will get this one day soon!  I have been trying lots of different recipies, and I haven't found one yet that I can handle without any trouble.  I will keep it up trying tho. I MUST! Did you all go thru CABIN FEVER when you were home on recovery???  I am going absolutely stir crazy here!  I am so ready to go back to work already!  I get up and walk around the house as much as I can, but I really need to have an "ADULT CONVERSATION" with anyone other than my DH, or with my DDs.  I love them, but these 3 are just making my brain turn into MUSH! hahaha!  I would love to go to the store, just to go walking, but since I am the only one that drives, it is kinda hard to get there, unless I drive myself, against Dr. Shina's orders! That is what is making it even harder than ever. Not being able to drive! I have always loved to drive, and would often just get in the car and go for a 20 minute drive in the country just to clear my head.  It has always worked for me. Oh good greif. I just realized how much I have rattled on here! Sorry it is so long. I just let my fingers get away from me again!  Have a wonderful day all!

At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jenifer R.
on 1/1/08 10:51 pm

i'm so cold this morning....but i'm feeling good....i'm hoping to make it to the clothing exchange on saturday....i could REALLY use the clothes and i haven't been able to make it to one here's hoping!

lachelle....hope you are recovering well....been thinking about you, but just so much going on in my personal life right now i haven't gotten you called again...i'm sorry about that....i'm hoping my life will settle down shortly....i'm about to have a nervous breakdown :( i miss chatting on here and would love to get back in the swing of posting...going to try my best to do that! hugs to everyone...stay warm and have a great wednesday! hugs jen

I'm a size 10, and I feel AWESOME!

(deactivated member)
on 1/1/08 11:33 pm - Terre Haute, IN

Ulisha, you're in my thoughts today.  I'm having a rough day. We had a staff meeting. I got put through the washer. I'm not doing good enough. I need to do a better job. I just wanted to cry. I didn't though. That would not have been 'professional'.

All this going on at once is so stressful. I had to give up my dogs, house, and car in the last week. Yes, that's part of my major life changes. Gave up the 07 car with the high payments for an 01 Sable that we can afford better. Now my boss is on my back. I feel like I can't do anything right. I just want to hibernate. Sometimes I think about leaving work, because of my mood disorder, and going on disability. I think I can work though, and want to if I can. I don't know. 

Jo N.
on 1/1/08 11:41 pm - Crawfordsville, IN
Good Morning Ulisha - I have several friends traveling to the RCA Dome today too. One of my friends is only 14 years old and saying goodbye to her dad. I really feel for her so badly. My heart and prayers are with you and your family today, as well as those many others saying goodbye too. Not much going on with me today. Due to the weather I'm having a HUGE RSD flareup and can barely walk, the bottoms of my feet are feeling burnt and raw and I'm having awful spasms in them too. We all cleaned out drawers and closets yesterday to donate to the clothing exchange. We all got massive amounts of new cloths and I always believe that when something new comes in then something old goes out, so christmas benefited a lot of people in some really good quality clothes for the exchange this weekend. I"ll be myself with the baby so if someone could help me out bringing him and the clothes in I'd greatly appreciate it big time, especially since I'm still under the weather still too. Hanging around the house with three of my four boys today. Gage, Quinntin and Chico. Unfortunately, Matt had to go back to work today. He pissed and moaned all morning. He really enjoyed having the week off and being able to hang out with Q in the mornings. Getting bills and other things in order around in the house as I"m having surgery next week and then again the following week. I'll share more of that info at the clothing exchange as it's somewhat personal to post so openly here. However, I'll be at St V's for both surgeries if anyone is interested in visiting or checking on me. More then likely I"ll live contact info with Sherri, as that who Matt knows mostly from here and he'll be the one mostly talking to her. Well, Q is done watching Dora the explorer and bouncing in his johnny jumper which signals time for cuddle time, hahaha. Everyone have a good day and try to stay warm if possible. Jodi
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
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